Chapter 12

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These people are my cousins,my brothers and sisters,my enemies and my Friends. Just like what Ralph stated "Friends are the ultimate wealth of man." Well if you put it that way of COURSE that's why they are called friends.

They tease you but at the end of the day they will hug you to death and say you're the most horrible thing that got created.

Others would risk their lives just to save you because they can't lose a friend.

I love having this and I've always wanted this.

I was alone


and broken.

Alexis was the one who woke my heart and mind. That's why I still owe her. I like her a lot but if I confess what i'm hiding?

I might lose the only thing i've always needed.

I love her already...

If only...

she would love me back...

"Love, Let's eat" Alexis said and winked

"opppss! Sweetness overload!" Ralph laughed.

"Ohh shut up Ralph leave them alone" Jessa said

"Why not sugarplum?" Ralph replied

"Sugarplum your ass! and don't call me that!" angrily replied Jessa. These guys always fight over before eating.

"Stop it you two! show some respect for the House owner." Vic said. Short pause then we laughed. I don't know why but we are laughing constantly.

"Guys!!! Show respect for the food as well!" Bill yelled. These guys are super funny.

"Okay! Let's eat!" Said Levi. Then we were like pigs eating. Of course! I don't allow a quiet dining room. haha its kinda my theenngg about dining rooms. I'd rather have that noisy room than a quiet one. I want the people to enjoy eating not because of the great food its also because of a good memory to remember after many years.

"Guys. Thanks for this memorable day." I smiled at them

"Dude. This is your house. We should be the one thanking you." Hennah said

"Yeah, like what she said" Marwah added

"Same goes here to!!" Kay said

"Anyways, I'm leaving tomorrow with Alexis" I said

"For your honeymoon?" Ralph smirked. Jessa smacked his head. We laughed.

"No, Just a trip." Alexis added. Just a TRIP!? I wanted something even more. A date probably? I'm a genius! Who am I kidding? That would never happen.

Maven! get a grip of yourself! That will NEVER HAPPEN! Not today! not tomorrow! NEVER!!

I guess my best way to calm down is to talk to my fuckin self. This is flippin barnicles. I'm going nuts. For God's sake!

"To the Philippines and that's tomorrow." I said.

"Woof! Woof!" Mex barking.

"Ohh heyy big guy! are you hugry?" I asked

"Woof!" Mex waggled his tail.

"He's not hungry. We fed him and bathed him already while you were resting." Jessa added. Everyone in the room nodded


"Yes, Alexis?"

"Guys?" She said and everyone turned eyes on her.

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