Chapter 10

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I heard the door opening from Alexis' house. I saw her with her dog. Oh yeah! I forgot she has Maxis. Just in time to take their jog. Mex ran towards Maxis and I ran as well to follow the dog. I tripped on a rock and I bumped into Alexis, she lost balance and we fell. I was on top but I didn't want her to carry my weight so I put my hands on the ground near her shoulders. I looked at her eyes as she looks into mine but it seems the glaces aren't how it used to be. I missed those glaces. I wonder if she missed me as well.

Alexis for the Love of God! I can't bare to lose you. I want to fight for you but what can I do?! I'm just a bestfriend. I'm a coward. NO! I am a coward. Who am I kidding! High five to those people who are afraid to confess their feelings to their crushes.

"Get off of me!!" She yelled. Then I moved aside. She quickly stood up and patted the dust off.

"Come on Maxis!" Alexis said. Then jogged away.

"Hey dude are you okay?" Bill asked. I nodded

"We saw all the moments." he laughed.

"Help me up." I said. Bill had enough energy to raise up a horse.

"So what did you talk about?" Levi asked.

"Uhhh... She's still mad." I said

"At least you know." Jessa said.

"Its alright dude." Hennah added

"She just needs space." Kay nodded

"Let's just go back and rest. You already had enough for today." said Ralph. Everyone nodded. How could she not look into my eyes like the way she used to? would a sorry fix everything up? I don't know what to do! We went back and they helped me to my bed. I love these guys. So sweet and kindhearted.

"We'll let you rest. It seems you're already tired. And since we've got nothing to do. We'll take care of the dog." Marwah said

"Mex...His name is Mex..." I replied. She nodded.

"Hey guys I know what to do! Lets make it a dog house backyard!" Suggested Bill.

"So you could have time eating? the backyard is located near the kitchen you know." Levi pointed fingers. We laughed. Bill is always welcome to eat. Everyone is.

"Hey guys. Thanks for everything." I added.

"Rest and that's already enough to repay us back." Kay whispered.

"Dude, you have nothing to be worried about." said Bill.

"Bill. How many houses did you burn while cooking Fish?" laughed Hennah

"Hey! I was cooking eggs!" Bill got defensive. We laughed.

"Just rest for a while okay?" added Hannely with a wink.

I nodded.

Closed the door then they went downstairs.

"Looks like they're having fun. Without me." I murmured.

"Alexis...How do I turn everything back as it used to?"

"Would I ever get to see you smile at me again?"

"I'm crazy...Crazy in love..."

I talked to myself and fell asleep. Love...Love is the reason why we people still hold on. The fact is we are capable to love. Like what Norwin said in his radio segment "People aren't afraid of heights because they are afraid of falling, People aren't afraid of snakes and crocodiles they're just afraid of getting bitten, and lastly People aren't afraid to love they are afraid to get rejected." Rejected. Rejected. Rejected. Rejected. Rejected. That word just repeated in my mind over and over again. It seems that word got the hold of me not telling Alexis on what I feel.

Knock! knock!

"Maven? are you awake?" Jessa asked.

"Yes. Please come in" I replied then she opened the door and sitted beside me.

"How are you?" she asked

"Uhh.. Fine?" Laughed Jessa

"You are thinking about Alexis aren't you? I nodded.

"You know what Maven. You and Alexis are best for eachother. She got your back and you got hers. Imagine all those years and all those moments you had!" She said laughing.

"But Althea was right. If she is my bestfriend she should be here. With me perhaps." I pleaded in sadness

"She needs space dude. All girls needs that time to think for what's right." She threw me a pillow. She giggled.


"Woof! woof!" Mex was at the door barking.

I opened my eyes and stood up.

"Woof! woof!"

"Alright! Alright! I'm coming!" I yelled. I opened the door and saw Maxis with him.

"Hey. That's Alexis' dog. Why'd it come here?" I asked. I can't believe I'm also talking to my dog.

"Woof!" Mex waggled its tail. Then they ran off downstairs. I followed.

As I go downstairs.


"Hey. What's all this about? You guys scared the hell out of me." I said panicking

"Ohh.. Nothing special..." Bill smirked.

"I know something is up." I got determined. Well there is, It's way toooooo obvious. These guys can't even make a surprise a surprise. I smiled

"Open the door." Francia smiled back

"Why? is the mailman outside?" I asked

"Just open the fucking door!" Vic shouted. I opened the door and saw someone standing behind it. Long black hair, Pink t-shirt paired with shorts and a brown bag. Who could it be? I poked her shoulder and as she turned back I was like.... Holy Marshmallows!

"I'm sorry." She hugged me tightly.


"Huh!?" she sobbed.

"No. I mean i'm the one who needs to say sorry."

Who could it be? Alexis? Kharen? or maybe Althea? comment it up guys. Will be updating soon. :) Vote and Follow please. Thanks.

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