Annex 4 - The Elven Court

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Alfheimr is the capital of the Elven Kingdom

Celestia - Queen of the Light Elves aka The White Queen
Co-rules the elven kingdom with her half-brother Morpheus.
She is Elissa's grandmother and even though she is over 1000 solars (years) looks about the same age as Elissa.
Has purple eyes.

Morpheus - the King of the Dark Elves - sometimes known as the Dark King, though his brother would dispute that

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Morpheus - the King of the Dark Elves - sometimes known as the Dark King, though his brother would dispute that.
He tricked Elissa into a blood bond when she was only 20 - it's akin to a dark elven engagement.
Has silver eyes.

Prince Aldebaran - Elissa's father and one of Celestia's sons

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Prince Aldebaran - Elissa's father and one of Celestia's sons.
He divides his time between Avalon and Alfheimr.

Prince Antares - Celestia's oldest and most unpleasant son

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Prince Antares - Celestia's oldest and most unpleasant son.
He has crimson eyes.

Lord Nero He is a sadistic dark elf who in the past held Elissa and Aren captive - they met imprisoned in a tower

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Lord Nero
He is a sadistic dark elf who in the past held Elissa and Aren captive - they met imprisoned in a tower.
He has an unhealthy obsession over Elissa.

Hades - aka the Wraith King - ruler of Tartarus

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Hades - aka the Wraith King - ruler of Tartarus.
He is Morpheus's brother. He sided with their father in the Great War and although slain refused to go quietly.

 He sided with their father in the Great War and although slain refused to go quietly

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 14, 2020 ⏰

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