Chapter 8- Baby you can light my fire

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Raphael's PoV

I awaken to the sound of a feminine moan. Saira must have snuck into my bed and decided to awaken me in the most delicious of ways. Lazy, almost drugged with lust, my eyelids peel open.

The room is dark, bathed only in the moonlight streaming through the open window. Saira is astride me, her head flung back.

"Burn for me." I have no idea why I just said that.

Flames erupt across her body and then mine. They do not hurt me. No, instead passion consumes me, coursing through my veins like molten lava.

She moves and her face through the fire looks different. Both intimately familiar and not at all.

I awake for real, my heart racing and my breath ragged. I am alone and it is early morning. It was just a dream. Or maybe not, since my loins are literally on fire.

With a shriek, I jump out of bed and race to the rain chamber, drenching myself in cold water and extinguishing the flames.

Thankfully, I must have kicked off my covers, which lie in a tumbled mess upon the floor, or else I might have some serious explaining to do. As it is, I have a ruined pair of pyjama pants and have managed to singe an unsightly mark into the sheet, roughly in the shape of my buttocks.

Dressing in haste, I wrestle the ruined material from the bed. I need some answers.

It is not until I have marched into the 'Queen's Apartment' where Saira is staying with Darish and Dusk, that it occurs to me that I really should have thought this through.

In their cosy sitting room, Dusk is sat sipping tea. Clothed in a silk dressing gown, he greets me with a smile.

"You are keen. Darish is in his office if you wish to see him."

"Actually, I wish to speak with Saira. Is she up for visitors?"

"She is in her room." Dusk cocks his head slightly.

"Great. I have need of her advice." I attempt to smother my nerves with a nonchalant nod and hope that he is not too suspicious

Not wishing to seem familiar with her bedchamber, I initially head towards Cyrus's door and give a secret smile when Dusk directs me to the correct room.

Saira is sat at her dressing table, taming her dark waves. Closing the door with a soft click, I cross over to her and perch on the corner of the table.

My voice falls low, lest there be curious ears listening. "Did you come into my room this morning?"

"No, why would you think so?"

"I thought I saw you in my bed. It was so real and I woke up on fire. I mean, I was actually burning."

Saira's face creases up and she bursts into fits of laugher. It is several minutes before she is able to speak.

"Sounds like a hot dream." That sets her off again.

"I am so delighted that my plight amuses you," I grouse, sounding anything but.

She wipes tears from the corner of her eyes. "It is normally something that adolescent Dragonite boys go through."

A pout forms on my lips, my manhood dented.

"You know what this means, Raph? That you could be part Dragonite."

"I guess it is possible. I mean I have no idea of my father's identity." Shame weighs my head. Neither do I know who gave birth to me.

A ball of flames forms in her palm. "Here, see if you can handle this."

Gritting my teeth and holding my breath, I half expect pain and sizzling skin as she transfers the fireball into my cupped hands. Neither is forthcoming. There is a mild sense of warmth and a pleasant tingling sensation.

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