Chapter 14 - Love in the air

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Aurora PoV




With each swing of the pendulum, a second passes and yet time seems to flow like treacle. It almost feels like the world as we know it is crawling to a stop.

My great grandparents are seated in wide armchairs either side of the fireplace. Aine is engaged in needlepoint and given the deftness of her stitches, age has not dinted her eyesight. It is with a masterly touch that she weaves coloured threads to create a scene of an enchanted garden.

Opposite me, Dymphie has her nose buried in a book. I wonder if it is an instructive historical tome or one of those romantic novels that she has a liking for.

Hope has her sketch pad open, but the pencil remains limp in her hand as if inspiration is evading her. I think that she rather enjoyed Cyrus's company when he stayed recently. While life in Essentia is comfortable, it can be a little dull at times.

"We need some young men," Hope complains and throws the pad down on a table.

"That would be very nice." Aine wrinkled face breaks into a smile.

"Aurora, you should start considering who you would like in your court. Many here have been with us for the past few decades." It is Sirius turn to grin. "Not much to keep you young things entertained."

"Tall, dark and handsome, please," Hope requests as if ordering from a menu. "What about you, Dymphie?"

Bemused, Dymphie blinks up from the pages of her book.

Hope rolls her eyes. "Seriously, Dymphie. I had to stay with my family this Yule and you got to attend a ball with all of Avalon's most eligible young men and I bet you spent most of the time skulking in the library."

"Books are more reliable than boys," is Dymphie's comeback.

Ignoring the girl's bickering, I protest to Sirius, "I am sure that it will be an age before I succeed you."

Even though I spend every day learning all I can from him, I am not sure that I will ever be ready to take on the mantle of power.

It is too hot and stuffy in here, my prime grumbles. Let us go outside.

In the summer, I feel her presence less, but my Animage side is much more prevalent now that we are in the colder moons of the solar.

The sky has that sickly pink tinge to it that hints at a tantalising promise of fresh snow. Unable to resist its call, I rise and cross the room towards the windows overlooking terrace.

Outside, a tall figure approaches, but their features are bathed in shadows. It is not until I open the nearest patio door that I recognise a friendly face from Avalon.

"Jin, what a wonderful surprise."

A gust of wind with a deliciously icy bite washes over us. Jin pushes back shimmering metallic blue-green hair from his face.

"I do hope that it is not too much of an imposition to drop in unannounced." Jin swallows, his Adam's apple bobbing and remains on the threshold. "I thought it would be nice to wish you good tiding for the new solar in person."

"Of course not, good friends are always welcome." I belatedly look over my shoulder to Sirius to see if I have his blessing.

Sirius nods with a quiet chuckle. "Yes, yes, but do come in dear boy, you are letting out all the warmth."

"Jin, I was just thinking about going for a stroll, but please make yourself comfortable and have some tea." Moving aside, I wave him into the room.

Still he makes no move to enter. "If you do not mind the company, I would welcome the opportunity to stretch my legs."

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