Chapter 5 - The morning after

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Elissa's PoV

Despite dancing late into the night and imbibing many more drinks than was good for me, I wake early with a clear head; not that I have ever suffered a hangover. Turning over, my heart leaps at the sight of Aren. Even after all these solars, he still has the ability to make me giddy.

Part of me wishes to wake him right now, yet he is so peaceful in slumber that it would be a cruelty to disturb him. Unable to sleep anymore myself, I reckon that I may as well get up and do a little work. That way I can spend time with Aurora without feeling guilty.

The royal lounge is peaceful and the only noise is the song of a robin in the gardens. Pressing the catch in the wooded panelling, the door swings open and I step through. I almost bump into Raphael. He is still in yesterday's clothing, his dress shirt creased and the buttons askew.

I cannot resist teasing him. "A good night, I assume?"

A blush highlights those chiselled cheekbones and he runs a hand through his dishevelled hair; a habit he has no doubt picked up from my darling Aren. Poor boy, he has something of a startled deer to his expression. I doubt that he expected to be caught sneaking back home at this hour.

"Er... yes. A few of us made an evening of it." His eyes look everywhere but at me. "I... I could probably do with a few more hours sleep."

At my nod, he bolts up the spiral stairs to his bedchamber. I follow at a slower pace, heading for my study. At first I found it oppressive, the humongous carved desk and shelves filled with my ancestors' knowledge. Now the place is a sanctuary and the tomes provide wisdom that I can draw upon.

That peace is short-lived.

Skin prickling, I turn to observe the surface of the magic mirror rippling and the reflection of my surroundings distorting. Only one of my follow royals or one of the Watchers are able to contact me directly without requesting an appointment.

The image settles on the form of Celestia, Queen of the Light Elves and my grandmother, although she is a far cry from the loving soul that is my maternal grandmother, Aine.

"Elissa." Her smile is as brittle as ice.

Even at this early hour, she is resplendent in a fine white velvet gown with pearls and silver stitching. It makes me feel somewhat lacking given that I am still in my nightgown.

Putting on a smile brighter than I feel, I respond, "Greetings Celestia. A merry mid-winter to you."

"The longest night has been endured. From now on, little by little the days will lengthen and power of the dark elves will wane."

It is a constant cycle, each solar the play of power between the light and dark elves. They tolerate each, barely, and if anything unites them it is probably their mutual distaste for all other race, for whom deem inferior.

Perhaps these thoughts are a little unkind, but for me and for my family in Avalon this is one of best times of the solar and a time for celebration.

Apart from my inner griping, I offer no response and force Celestia to get to the point of her call.

"Altair's daughter, she has come of age?"

"Freya, yes she has just turned twenty five."

"You have chosen an old name." Celestia gives a slight nod of her head and her expression remains impassive, yet a ripple of approval washes over me.

My response is a little tart. "My dear Altair honours his past."

Not that they deserve him. Altair chose love over family 'honour' and had the audacity to marry a human, causing his father Deneb, Lord of Vega, to effectively disown him. Elves hold purity in such high regard that some families would rather become extinct than to sully their bloodline.

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