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"Don't forget this dress," Gauri said as I was packing my suitcase for South Africa. I looked at Gauri before silently chuckling. The "dress" she was talking about was one of those classy yet sexy dresses I bought back in London. It was a black dress that reached the middle of my thighs, with glittering straps. I bought it for one of Shivaay and I's several dates around the city.

"You want me to kill your lovely jiju with this one, right?" I asked and she hummed

Ups! Gambar ini tidak mengikuti Pedoman Konten kami. Untuk melanjutkan publikasi, hapuslah gambar ini atau unggah gambar lain.

"You want me to kill your lovely jiju with this one, right?" I asked and she hummed.

"I hope when you come back, you'll both be ready to tell everything to Daddy. I want to show you my special dance for your Sangeet. I've been practising since I was 11." Gauri revealed and I opened my mouth in shock.

"Really?" I asked.

"Of course. How could I not prepare for your special day? You're my mama Annika before being my Di. You grew up so fast just to help Daddy. This is the least I can do." She shrugged and I took her in my arms. She was just perfect. My perfect baby sister.

"Now that you've said that, I want to get married faster." I smiled as I picked my short shorts and put them in my suitcase. Suddenly, there was a knock on the door.

"Come in!" Gauri and I said together. It was Pinky aunty.

"Hi girls! I wanted to see if you guys needed help in packing Annika's stuff." She said.

"It's alright aunty, we're almost done," I answered with a smile.

"You only came a week ago and you're both leaving already!" She added with a sigh.

"Hopefully we will be back very soon," I reassured her, squeezing her palm.

"Anyway, I need to give you this just in case." She said and handed me a box of... A box of condoms! Like WTF?!

"Aunty... We don't need this I think." I stuttered while Gauri hid her mouth behind her hand to hide her laugh while my cheeks were burning.

"I trust you both but I also know how people in love cannot resist each other. I don't know how far you two went but I don't want you to take any risks of pregnancy before your dad knows about you two." Pinky aunty explained.

"Does that meant that you're okay with us... huh... having sex?" I asked completely taken aback.

"With precaution!" She said and held my cheek. I couldn't do more and hugged her.

"Alright, I'm going to see how Shivaay is doing." She said and left. I turned to Gauri and chuckled.

"Is she for real?" I wondered. And she smiled.

"At least, she is 100% with you!" Gauri said and I twisted my mouth. I didn't know how to react with this unexpected gift from Pinky aunty. But now I knew that everything would depend on Shivaay because personally, I would open my legs if he asked me right there at that instant since I knew that I wanted no one but him. But since I knew about his respect for my father's beliefs, I didn't dare to force him. There was a high chance that these condoms would be useless for at least one or two months, just the time to convince my dad and get married to each other.

"Annika, Gauri, come down, Veer uncle and his family are here." I heard Shivaay calling us from the other side of the door and I sighed. I didn't like Shivaansh's presence, I barely could stand him breathing the same air as I did. He was too much proud of himself and too flirtatious.

"We're coming," I said and quickly hid the box of condoms in my suitcase. We then left the room and headed downstairs. Gauri was walking ahead of us.

"Meet me in the garden at 11 p.m." Shivaay quickly whispered.

"I'm on my period," I warned him, just in case.

"I know. And I don't care about that!" He said winking at me. "By the way, your DairyMilk chocolate is waiting for you in the fridge. And I also prepared my bed for free snuggles at night, feel free to visit me!" He said and I smiled.

"Thank you, baby!" I said and quickly kept a neutral face as we were nearing the leaving room.

"Here they are! My not so little princesses!" We were greeted by a woman who quickly took Gauri and me in her embrace as soon as she saw us.

"Harsh your daughters are so beautiful! Poor me, I only got one son, I would have taken them both as my daughters-in-law!" The woman said. "Annika, Gauri, don't you remember me? I'm Shreya! Veer's wife and your parents' friend!" Shreya aunty said and I smiled a little.

"Shreya aunty! How can I forget you! You didn't age at all!" I said and Gauri chuckled

Ups! Gambar ini tidak mengikuti Pedoman Konten kami. Untuk melanjutkan publikasi, hapuslah gambar ini atau unggah gambar lain.

"Shreya aunty! How can I forget you! You didn't age at all!" I said and Gauri chuckled.

"You didn't meet Shivaay! He's the new member of the family! He's Pinky mom's son." Gauri said and Shreya hummed after she threw a glance at Shivaay. Why was she that cold? I didn't even know. But if she was like that, there was no need to speak to me. No one would hurt my love!

We then went to who I supposed to Priyanka and Jiya. They were standing with Shivaansh. I smiled at the girls and royally ignored Shivaansh when he winked at me.

"How are you, girls?" I asked formally since I didn't see them for a while I couldn't guess who was my childhood bestie.

"Annie?! Is it how you're talking to your bestie? I've been waiting for this time for so long!" Priyanka said and I laughed before hugging her tightly.

"Prinku, wow! You're so gorgeous!" I said before turning to Jiya who was busy in gawking at none other than my SHIVAAY!

I hope you enjoyed this chapter! I had a little trouble writing it. My mind was totally blank. In this aspect, I think I need a writer break for a few days. Moreover, since I'm doing my master's degree I'm being a bit preoccupied with studies and I'm still wondering what topic I would choose regarding my memoir. So, I don't really know when the next update will come, either it will come on our regular schedule that is Saturday or Tuesday (or both if you're lucky), either I'll take a little bit more time to update.  Anyway, it is necessary for you to take this message into consideration if there is any delay in the future updates unless I give another information. Have a nice day/evening! 

And yes, I almost forgot! 

WHO WANTS SHIVIKA TO USE THE CONDOMS IN SOUTH AFRICA HEHE! (Did you shout in your head?) (ARE YOU STILL SHOUTING?) Okay bye, my sanity is leaving me XD And I only started college last week, don't know how my brain will support two years although I already survived three years :(

My hubby from another mother - A Shivika Fanfiction -(On Hiatus)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang