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After his request the night before, an awkward silence had settled between us. We had gone back to our homes and didn't meet the next morning since it was Sunday and I wanted to sleep the whole morning.

But then I had chosen to follow my instincts and trust Shivaay with his painting. That Sunday afternoon, after a good debate with my inner self, I found myself standing in front of his door. I raised my hand and knocked.

He stood there shirtless, looking at me with a hand ruffling his hair. My cheeks reddened instantly and uneasiness made me stare at the floor. However, I had to admit that his abs were deliciously defined.

"Huh... Hi!" I muttered.

"Hi, let me just put a shirt on." He invited me inside and disappeared in what I supposed to be his room. I looked around the living room, noticing the various paintings adorning the walls. He came when I was looking at the painting of a woman.

"This is a painting I've done of my mom two years ago." I admired the painting, looking at the dark orbs as if trying to read her soul.

"She's beautiful." After a last glance spared for that painting, I turned to him.

"How long have you been painting?" I asked after a pause.

"Five years... Do you want anything? I have coffee, juice, tea..." He trailed off.

"Just water." I took a seat on his couch and waited for him. As he was coming with my glass of water, I was fidgeting with my fingers.

"Here," He handed me the glass of water, I took a sip before letting the glass on the coffee table

"I've thought about your request and I think that it will be great to do it... But I've never been a muse as you surely have guessed."

"I know, I won't be asking you to be fully nude when I paint you, Anika. I just want to capture your beauty forever through a painting."

"That's both flattering and mean... You say that I'm beautiful but then you say that it is not to last." I noticed and he chuckled.

"Your external beauty will be spoiled by time but what you have in your heart and soul is made to last forever." Okay, he was an artist, he aspired to be a businessman and he was a philosopher too... Was there something he couldn't do?

"So when do you want to start?" He asked.

"As you wish..." I mumbled.

"Oh, we can start next weekend. I just need to buy some tools." He said and took my hands in his.

"I feel really honored to be able to paint you, Annika. Except for my mom, I've never had a willing person who would let me paint them. I want you to know that you can trust me. I will never ask you to do awkward poses or stuff like that. I just want to keep your beauty alive in the canvas." He spoke sincerely and I blushed, looking down.

"I trust you, Shiv." I smiled at him and he smiled back.

"Well then, now that everything is back to normal, do you have something planned this afternoon?" He asked, releasing my hands.

"Nope, why?"

"I want to watch a movie with my lovely friend!"He chuckled.

"I don't see why you need me for that." I teased him and smirked. Suddenly, he pounced on me and began tickling me. I couldn't bear his weight, and we both fell with him on top of me. He stopped tickling me and I looked up into his bluish orbs. I couldn't help but feeling the moment to be too cliché. The only missing piece for the perfect picture was the perfect kiss. Suddenly, I saw him moving down, his eyes closing and as his lips were only a few inches above mine, his phone rang, breaking the reverie.

He got up and I straightened myself on the couch.

"My mom's calling, I'll be back." He answered and left me alone to contemplate the recent events. Were we really on the verge of sharing a kiss, out of the blue? It had to be the only thing that I hated and loved at the same time. The idea of sharing a kiss with Shivaay... I had to admit that since the first time that we met, I had felt a kind of attraction toward him. But the fact that he was my friend, and not only my friend but my ONLY friend in this big city made me keep these feelings at the back of my head. I didn't want to spoil what we had because it was the only relationship I had. It was kind of lame, I know... But I wasn't the kind of person who would have tons of friends. One dear friend was already a treasure for me.

"I'm sorry..." I heard him say as he made his way in the living-room. "I don't know what had taken over me to do... you know....try to kiss you..." He scratched the back of his head.

"It's alright, you don't need to be sorry Shivaay.." I looked towards the blank screen of his TV. "You said you wanted to watch a movie, right?" I tried to change the subject in order to ease the awkwardness.

"Oh yeah, sure! What do you want to watch?" He asked.

"Hush!" I squealed.

"Don't need to be harsh you know! I just asked what you wanted to watch, duh!"

"I was talking about the movie, idiot! The movie is called, Hush!" I explained to him and he opened his mouth in an O shape, such a cutie he was.

"Let's watch the movie then!" he turned the movie on and sat on the couch next to me.

As we were watching, I couldn't help but glance at him from time to time. He was really handsome, his two-day stubble, his defined jawline, his nose and clear blue eyes... I was so lost in his looks.

"Annika? Where are you lost? Is everything alright?" He asked putting his hand on mine.

"Uh, yeah... I was just daydreaming.." I shrugged off and looked at the screen for a mere second before glancing at him again. No, nothing was alright because I was starting to fall for my friend!

My hubby from another mother - A Shivika Fanfiction -(On Hiatus)Where stories live. Discover now