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"Annika, let us explain first." My dad said as he entered Gauri's room. He sat with us and held my hand.

"First of all, I'm glad that finally, my baby is back home. These three years have been hell knowing that you were far away from us. But I'm glad you're back here and that you achieved your degree." He said and kissed my hand. "Pinky came in my life in an unexpected way, we met three years back at the airport, and we met again in a café. After that, we went on dates and fell in love. I didn't know how it happened and I didn't want that but you can't understand how hard it was for me as a single father to choose my own happiness for the first time." He sobbed and I tried to ignore him. I didn't want to let him know my feelings until he was done. "At first we wanted to wait your coming back from London before tying the knot but I couldn't. People started to gossip and I wanted to protect both our integrity so we got married a year and a half ago. I will never forget your mother, Annika. She has been my life and she will always be, but it's time for us to move on! We cannot live in the past indefinitely! I am moving on, Gauri as well, why not you?"

"It's easy for you to say this, none of you replaced your mother with a stranger. I lost my best friend and you want me to replace her like that? Your Pinky has no place in my life, put that in your heads." I cried while Gauri looked at me with shock.

"I also lost mom Di, but I have to move on. How long can I live without a mother's affection? You were lucky enough to know mom, I was born and lost my mother the same day. It is as hard for me to live with someone else as it is for you but I know that it is time to move on from mom's death. I cannot live in the past like that, my birthday is enough of a reminder that I'll never have my mom by my side." Gauri cried and got up to leave her room. My words must have hurt her. But at that moment my anger overpowered me and I paid no heed to her feelings.

"Anu, you very well know that your words hurt your sister. How can you utter such things to her? You very well know how she feels about your mom. I want you to think about the situation and try to give a chance to Pinky, she doesn't deserve your hatred. I was the one who ran after her. And Gauri is even more innocent. She's also known about our relationship only after I married Pinky just like you. I told her not to tell you anything because I didn't want you to stress over it back there on your own. I had planned your coming back in order to explain everything to you but I'm sorry I failed to explain everything to you beforehand. If there is someone to blame, it is me not them." Daddy said. He then got up and held my shoulder.

"Please, do an effort. And you need to know, Pinky has a son of your age, he was abroad to study and he came back yesterday. You can maybe consider joining us for breakfast so that you can meet him. He's very nice." Daddy added before leaving.

As I sat alone with my thoughts, I knew that I needed to go check on Gauri. Daddy was right. She did nothing. I left the room and got down the stairs to join them for Gauri. I had no plan to befriend Pinky nor her son but I didn't want to leave Gauri behind. And I wanted to make efforts for Gauri. Dad was stupefied when he saw me standing before the table. Gauri looked up then lowered her gaze, probably still hurt from my words. I took a seat next to her. Pinky was sitting across from me and I noticed that her son wasn't there yet.

"I'm sorry for being late guys, I had a call to make." Someone said and my heart ceased to beat. I could recognize that voice among many other voices. Since I was sitting with my back to the entrance we couldn't see each other's faces but I heard him again.

"Good morning mom, good morning Mr. Trivedi, good morning Gauri, and good morning..." He trailed off.

"Annika..." I continued. I turned around and my eyes met with my love, my life, my confident and companion, Shivaay.

My hubby from another mother - A Shivika Fanfiction -(On Hiatus)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें