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After the first painting session with Shivaay, I had locked myself in my apartment and I had tried to stop my beating heart from shouting too loud his name, but I guess I just couldn't stop the beatings of my heart from saying his name again and again.

"Shivaay... Shivaay... Shiv..."

"Annika?" I heard him call me and I went to open my front door, he was standing there, a playful smile dancing on his lips.

"You...huh...you forgot these when you left..." He took my hand in his and just gave me my sport brassier that I forgot in his bathroom! Damn!!! I was so bothered by him that I just forgot that I had put one on along with my strapless bra!

"Thank you..." I stuttered.

He just smirked and was about to leave but then he just furrowed his brows before saying, "Would you mind joining me for dinner? I've found a restaurant that seems to be quite great, I'd like to try it out."

"I'm sorry Shiv but I'll have to decline for tonight." I just said.

"Why?" He asked. Because you're sending chills down my spine! Because every time I look at you, I feel like my heart wants to leave my ribcage and join yours in a beautiful dance? I wanted so much to answer him that...

"I don't feel like going out." I trailed off. He immediately reached for my hand and put one of his hands on my forehead.

"Are you sick? Are you fine?" I'm completely lovesick. Sick in your love. That was my heart's answer.

"I'm fine, this day was just tiring, we'll go there some other time, take care Shiv and enjoy your night." I closed the door and leaned against it. If Ma was still alive she could have been able to give me some advice, but unfortunately, I had to face my first love on my own.

After a while, I took my phone and decided to call daddy and Gauri.

"Hi, Di? How are you?" Gauri was the one to answer the phone.

"Hello Gauri, I'm fine, what about you darling? Did you do your homework well? How is Daddy?" I wondered.

"Everything is fine Di. I've studied well, I have an exam tomorrow with Ms. Sharma, I'm ready for it. Daddy hasn't come back from work yet, he said that he had an important business dinner and that I didn't need to wait for him." Gauri said and I couldn't help feeling anxious for my baby sister who was alone.

"Check that all doors are locked before going to sleep alright? Normally daddy has a spare key in the car. And if ever you're afraid, you can go to Daima, she will gladly welcome you for the night. But do not forget to write a note to Daddy so that he'll know that you're safe." I explained to her. Daima was our 80-year-old neighbor, she was very nice and was the one looking after Gauri and me when Daddy was off to work.

"Don't worry Di, everything will be just fine." We talked some more and then I hung up.

As I was about to go take a bath, I heard laughed coming from the corridor outside my flat. I felt like something was clenching my heart when I distinguished Shivaay's voice and a female's. I didn't know what to think at that moment. I wanted to be mad at him but why so? He didn't even know that I had feelings for him. So I just shrugged it off and got ready to sleep.

The morning after was probably the hardest one, for I didn't want to leave my comfortable bed to spend a whole day trying to avoid Shivaay, but then I didn't want to spend a Sunday all by myself, well I wanted to see him. So, I got ready, ate my breakfast, and around ten, I went to knock on his door. After three knocks, the door opened to let me see a beautiful woman standing in a shirt with a shirtless Shivaay behind her. Needless to say that I was shocked.

"Hi... I'm Annika." I stammered, trying not to choke on the lump in my throat.

"Annika? What are you doing here so early? Let me introduce you to Pia, she lives next door. We met yesterday at the restaurant. Pia, meet Annika, a friend." Shivaay presented us to each other and at that moment, I so much hated that cowardice which made me decline his offer last night. I just wanted to go away from there.

"Damn, I just remembered that I had something to do! I need to go, it was great meeting you Pia, bye Shivaay!" I quickly left from there and left the building.

If my thoughts were correct, there was a park nearby. I needed to clear my mind. The day before I had realized the meaning of love, and now my heart was broken. That shit hurt, it hurt so bad.

My hubby from another mother - A Shivika Fanfiction -(On Hiatus)Where stories live. Discover now