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Hi people! How are you? I'm sorry for not updating earlier, the starting of classes was tough... I noticed that your answer to this story is low, as compared to the usual answers... Don't you like it? I can still cancel it, you know.

The next morning, I woke up with a big smile spread on my face. I gave Ty some milk and ate breakfast then I got ready to go to University. I was first to arrive in the hall of our building and I waited for Shivaay to join me. While we were going to the University, we tried to know more about each other.

"So Annika, where are you from in India?" He asked.

"I'm originally from Dehradun, but my mom and dad moved to Mumbai a few months after my birth, what about you?"

"Oh, I was born in Mumbai and lived there. It's only fate that didn't make us meet earlier I guess... Anyways, any sibling?" He inquired.

"Yup, one sister, Gauri, she's sixteen. You?"

"No, but I have cousins I do consider as my brothers. Om and Rudra, they're my cousins from my mother's side. There is also Priyanka, our baby sister she's the apple of our eyes..."

"Oh, you got a very large family..."

"Yeah, they're really a blessing. If you manage to cope with me, then you'll get to meet them someday..."

"And what about your parents?"

"I've only known my mom from the day I was born." He said with some calm that I found to be the saddest thing ever. We reached our class and he took his seat next to me. We hadn't really paid attention to the class because we had spent all the hour chatting, discussing our likes and dislikes. After the classes, we went to the library because I wanted to borrow some books.

"Hey, what do you think about eating outside tonight?" Shivaay suddenly asked, while helping me carrying my books.

"That would be great! Do you know about someplace in particular?"I inquired.

"No, but we can look for one! Let's desi visit!" He smirked and I giggled. We reached our building, he went to his apartment to get ready while I went to mine. I quickly called my dad, assuring him that I was alright before I joined Shivaay in the hall of our building. That time, he was the one who came first.

"I've checked for any restaurant nearby and I've found this one, the Akbar Tandoori restaurant," Shivaay said handing me his phone. I checked the menu and I could feel my mouth watering, the restaurant seemed really great so we agreed for that one and left.

As we walked to the restaurant, I looked around me in amazement.

"It's so different from India right?" Shivaay said and I hummed.

"It's so big, I still can't imagine it that I left my homeland to come here for at least three years."

"But then you're not alone, you have me now!" He said and I pouted.

"Who told you that I had planned to keep you in my life?" I asked and he lowered his head.

"Oh, well..." He seemed unhappy and I nudged his side trying to cheer him up.

"I was kidding, I may have met you yesterday but it already seems like I've known you forever." I slid my arm around his arm as we reached the restaurant.

As we sat, facing each other I felt quite uncomfortable for he was looking at me with those deep blue eyes of his and I wanted so much for him to look somewhere else.

"I need to use the restroom." I made an excuse and left for the restroom. I leaned on the sink and chuckled. How could I feel uncomfortable with only a stare from him... truth be told, my very conservative father didn't allow boyfriends, either they were just friends or more than just friends. Though I was pleased to have Shivaay around that whole day, I couldn't forget my uneasiness around people of the opposite sex.

Anyways, I looked up to meet my own reflection on the mirror. I smiled at my reflection and then I noticed the reason for his insistent gaze on me. I just had a beautiful stain of lipstick on my tooth. I hit my palm against my forehead and removed the stain before joining him. As I smiled at him, his cheeks turned crimson and he looked down as if ashamed or something.

"Sorry... I didn't know how to tell you that...that..." I held my hand up to stop him from talking.

"Don't worry, it's okay."

We were silently eating when he said, "And what's your take on politics?"

"Politics? Don't you know the rule? No one talks about politics over dinner and that's even more true with someone he has just met!" I chuckled as he was reddening but I actually found him... cute when he blushed.

When we finished eating, we left the restaurant and walked back to our building. As we neared the door of my apartment, we stopped in front of it, he with his hands in his pockets while I was clutching my purse.

"It was a great night, I enjoyed your company." He said and leaned forward. Oh! When did we reach that step? I wondered but to my relief, he kissed my cheek.

"Sleep well." He said.

"I also enjoyed that night. You're really cool. Sleep well Shivaay." I smiled and watched him reaching his door before I got inside my own flat. That night was great indeed and I was actually looking forward to seeing him the next day.

My hubby from another mother - A Shivika Fanfiction -(On Hiatus)Where stories live. Discover now