Friend or Foe?

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As Y/n was contemplating what was told to him the rest were fighting against Salem's minions.

Qrow: "Y/n snap out of it, you have to focus." He said as Madara became annoyed.

Ruby: "Yang!" She cheered as she saw Yang with the relic in hand.

Emerald: "No!" She than screamed as black smoke began to emerge.

Y/n PoV

As I heard a scream I look up to see a large woman with black and red eyes with white hair and pale skin.

"Who is that?" I said as I backed up a little.

Madara: "That was Salem, you two are connected but I'll tell you more about it, if you come with me and take the relic." He said loud enough for the group to hear them and direct their attention to us. "Don't you want to be more powerful, learn the secrets about the sharingan and your semblance?" I don't know what I want to do.

Ruby: "No way Y/n is going to work for you, he's not evil like you and your friends." She said as they ready their weapons.

Madara: "You really think you can turn my son against me." He said as they gasped.

Qrow: "What, how do we know if your telling the truth?"

Madara: "I'll give you a short story, the day we lost him was when he was only a baby, he's brother, Menma, sent him away to a stranger just because he thought he thought me and his mother was a bad influence to his little brother, Y/n, we forgave him and all we could do is hope he's in a better family." He then walked behind me and patted my back. "And now here he is, look almost like an exact copy of me, but we have things to do, sorry about this." I then felt a sharp pain in my eye. "You no longer need this eye anymore, go take back your brother's eye and unlock your full power of the Mangekyo!" He said as I was recovering and blood was dripping from my hand covering my eye socket.

I got up and started to walk to Danzo's body.

Third Person PoV

Ozpin/Oscar: "Don't let him get the eye!" He yelled as the group charged at Y/n.

Madara: "I'm not letting you go any where!" He said as he blocked there path with his susanoo.

Yang: "Let us through!"

Nora: "I'll break his knees."

As they tried relentless attacks none was effective, at all.

Madara: "Useless." He then smacked them all away in one strike. "I'll let you play with clone." He sent a clone to fight  them as he went to Y/n.

Y/n was now in front of Danzo as he ripped the eye making Danzo scream in pain.

Y/n: "Your still alive... good."

Madara: "Now place the eye." Y/n did as he told. "You will fell the full power Y/n." His hand started to glow green placing it on Y/n's eye.

Y/n: "You healed it in"

Madara then grabbed Danzo and threw him to the group making him crawl to them.

Danzo: "Please... help... me." He weakly begged.

Y/n activated his EMS (eternal mangekyo sharingan) as his aura was forming around him.

Jaune: "Do we help him?" He asked as Qrow sighed.

Qrow: "If we do we can get information about Salem and her forces." Before they can get to him he was grabbed by a Y/c skeletal hand.

It was Y/n's susanoo. He began to deathly squeeze his body as blood was began to leak.

(Abused and Neglected)Uchiha Male Reader x RWBYWhere stories live. Discover now