Flash Back Part 1

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As the 7 year old Y/n was sitting in his room he was watching Tai training Yang and Summer train Ruby. He felt a feeling in his eyes, but he paid it no mind. He could read each of their movements and copy their training. But he wouldn't find their training useful to him because it doesn't fit his style.

*Time Skip*

As Y/n was cleaning the house he heard two people laughing, he knew it was Ruby and Yang, he felt nothing but hate for them and the rest of them.

Yang: "Hey Y/n." She called but he didn't answer. "Hey answer me when I'm talking to you!" She yelled as she smacked him in the head with a vase, almost knocking him out. (Now him and the vase gotta suffer. 😔).

Summer and Tai walked in to see Y/n on the floor almost knocked and his head bleeding.

Tai: "What happened?"He asked as the two girls pointed towards Y/n.

Yang: "It was him, we told him not to and he broke that vase." She lied as Tai kicked the almost unconscious boy.

Summer: "Go to your room and think about your actions!" She yelled before kicking him to the stairs.

Y/n got up and limped upstairs as blood started to drip down, with his sharingan activated he caught the drop of blood before it hit the ground and held his head before more start to come down. He went to the bathroom and cleaned the blood and put on bandages, then went to his room and fell asleep.

*Time Skip*

Y/n woke up by being dragged from his room.

Y/n: "Whats going on?!" He said as he was thrown down the stairs.

Before he hit the ground, he recovered by landing on his hand and rolling on his feet.

Summer: "You are staying outside for training, while we eat breakfast and get ready." He was then picked up and thrown outside by Tai.

As he was resting outside for an hour by a tree under the shadows, he heard the door open and a couple footsteps. He opened his eyes to see the family.

Summer: "Y/n stand up and prepare for training." He got up walked forward to them but still away.

Ruby and Yang approached him with their weapons. They started to attack him, but he was dodging them with ease. He then felt a kick to his side as it knocked him down.

Tai: "What are you doing your not supposed to dodge, your supposed to let them hit you!" He yelled as Y/n got up from the ground.

Y/n: "You think they are going to be strong huntresses, well you're wrong, all I see is grimm food that will only get in the way." He said as the two little girls start to cry.

Tai got angry and threw a punch at Y/n, but he caught it and kicked him in the stomach.

Tai: "You little-." He stopped as he didn't see Y/n in his view. "Where did he-." He was stopped as Y/n punched him in the face and ran away.

Summer: "Oh no you don't." She said as she chased Y/n through the trees.

Y/n was jumping from tree to tree, and Summer was running on the ground as she was surprised at how fast he is. He landed in front of her and ran even faster. She finally used her semblance to catch him and slammed his head on the ground.

Summer: (I didn't know he was this fast.) She thought. "I don't know who you think you are, but you are nothing and you will always be nothing, you worthless trash." She said as Y/n glanced at her with his sharingan.

Y/n: "If I was the worthless trash, then tell me Summer, why did it take you this much effort to catch me, you had to use your semblance and I didn't have to use mine, and I'm stronger than Ruby and Yang without training, so there for I am always better than you and your precious little angles." He said as she became more angry.

Summer: "What!, you are nothing *kick*, worthless *kick*, and a waste of space *kick*." She stopped as she saw the massive amount of blood coning out of his mouth.

He then pointed two finger at her and pointed to a different direction. She looked to see another Y/n perfectly fine sitting by a tree.

Summer: "What the?" She then fell unconscious.

Y/n then walked to her body and looked at her with pity.

"I could end you right here and now, but no you didn't suffer as much as I did." He said coldly before falling to the ground and shut his eyes close. "And now we wait."

After a couple hours he heard footsteps.

Qrow: "Tai I found them!" He yelled.

*Time Skip*

"I don't know what happened, all I remember is grabbing him and then everything went black." He heard Summer say from his room as grin was on his face.

Y/n: "Soon, just wait your time will come, all of you." He said as coldly as his sharingan evolved from two commas marks to three.

" He said as coldly as his sharingan evolved from two commas marks to three

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(Abused and Neglected)Uchiha Male Reader x RWBYWhere stories live. Discover now