chapter -28

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Lauren pov
Seems like both of them are finally getting along now, by the genuine smiles and giggles they were sharing while playing things are looking good now "they are getting along now" Dinah said from beside me, both of them woke up from their nap about an hour ago and from even more energy than before "it looks like they are, I am glad about that, they are both good girls" I said staring at the TV in front of us, after a little discussion on what to put, and finally settling on toy story it was played on the TV but neither of the girls payed any attention to it and were mostly using it as a background noise " Of course they are laur" I looked at Dinah and she gave me a small smile pointing to both the girls where they had both decided to colour on a single piece of paper and were drawing random shapes on it, they both suddenly rose up and toddled over to us, the paper clutched tightly in Norman's hand, no sooner than a second later both of them were taking at a speed of a train telling about the drawing half of which I didn't even understand and by the look on Dinah's face neither did she "it looks wonderful baby, would both of you like a snack?" I asked my eyes glancing at the clock and figured they must have gotten hungry by now "es mama pweas!" And Normani nodding eagerly along with her glancing at Dinah "a small snack and then we need to leave okay baby? I promised your mom I will bring you back on time"

I didn't want mani to leave, she was mean in the past but we're friends now! And I want to play with her more "mama why can't mani stay?" I asked with a pout, "cause she mani needs to go back to her own house darling, her mom is waiting for her you wouldn't want her to be sad right?" I shook my head hard, I didn't want mani to be sad "that's my good girl, eat up your snacks now and enjoy your time with mani" Mama whispered kissing my hair and sitting beside me "mani cowme bwack to pway 'gain? I asked stuffing in some goldfish crackers in my mouth that mama had given for snacks "uh huh" She replied enthusiastically and ate her crackers as well, then both of us started talking about blues clues "we should get going love, your mom's gonna get worried otherwise" I heard Dinah say to mani before helping her out of her chair, and mama helped me down from mine "we had a really good time with you mila, thank you, right baby?" Dinah said looking at mani with the last part "yes momma!" She replied happily coming to give me a hug "bye Dinah, thanks for coming" Mama said and then mama and Dinah hugged as well "say bye baby" Mama said waving as they walked out of the door and I waved back "you were such a good girl today my baby" I heard mama whisper to me just as they started pulling out kissing my hair and we waved at them one last time before going into the house

Sorry for not updating for a really long time! I wasn't sure if anyone was reading this anymore or not....
Let me know what you guys want next!


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