Heart Of Gold

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Elena,Amina and Naveen's outfits.

Elena's pov *week later*
Zayn and I had an early start this morning.Getting everything ready for Mina's party.We would've woken her up by now but Naveen gave us direct orders to wait until she wakes up so we can wake Amina up together.My bossy child.I know she's thrilled to give her big sister her photo album.It is absolutely beautiful.
Though Naveen annoys the hell out of Amina.I know their bond is tight and as a parent that's all I ask for.

"I think it's Mina's lucky day."Zayn mumbled brushing his teeth and looking out the window.It's a good thing we have no neighbors behind us."Bright and sunny out."

My lovey requested a carnival themed party.No big rides and what not.We have a train ride going around the house,face painting which Zayn will be doing,photo booth Jawaad in charge of that.Amina really wanted s photo booth,neither Zayn or myself could find one.Khalid,her wonderful god father found one.Her day will be completed.Also some kid games.
Esme helped me make goodie bags for the kids.Esme and Trisha pretty much did it all.

"Definitely is."Our door opened,my second born came in with her sisters gift."Hi baby."

Walking over to me."Morning.Can we wake Mina up now?"

"Let's wait for your dad."She huffed,
sitting the photo album down and walking to the bathroom."Let's go daddy!I have to wake my sister up."
She started laughing,Zayn ran towards her,picking her up.

"Come on."

My baby sleeps so hard.I snapped photos of Zayn and Naveen kissing her cheek."Stop."She mumbled,
grouchy."It's your birthday Mina.You have to wake up."Naveen shook her this time.

Amina turned over smiling,"Happy Birthday!"Zayn and I said,we've became those obnoxious parents.

"Happy birthday Mina!"We can count on Navi to yell.

"Thank you."

"Here."Naveen placed the album on her lap."This is from me.Look at it."
First gift of the day.I sat on the bed beside hers.Getting good view of the three of them."This is when daddy put us on the big screen when he was on tour."The picture she pointed I was from two years ago.During a visit their second stadium tour.
Amina's six birthday,he didn't want to bring them on stage so he head them put on the big screen.

"Daddy you should do it again.I don't remember."Navi's serious voice is hilarious."Okay babe."

Scooting closer to her big sister."Do you like it?"

Amina nodded,kissing her cheek."I love it.It the best gift ever boo.Thank you."I video that.When they are older I'm using this precious moments for when they want to argue over stupid things.


One of four times of the year I don't mind having a house full of family and friends.It has to be one or the other depending on the occasion.Since its Amina's birthday,it's both.Having everyone here reminds how bloody massive our families are.

I love seeing Amina and Naveen with their cousins.If I'm honest Amina is has a closer bond with Isaiah do to us living in Bristol.Tavi and I were pregnant around the same time.As for Naveen she's been around both sides equally.

"What are you getting done?"I asked Paisley,who's sitting in Liam's lap while Zayn paints her face."Butterfly and two hearts."She said,as she watched Zayn mix the paint.

"How pretty.I want to see it when he's done."

"Daddy is getting one too.."Paisley said.I swear she's Dani's twin."He's getting a butterfly and two hearts?"I know what she really meant to say.
Translation:My dad is getting his face painted too.

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