Where do I turn to?

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Elena's pov

Two weeks into our new start and I can say we are on a good start.I like doing family things without any tension.

Amina and Naveen love it.Far from normal but we make it work.

I've been putting off baking with the girls for a week now.Started to feel guilty and their pouty faces got to me.So I figured why not make it a play date with Paisley and Lai.We might have a life time worth of cupcakes.Red velvet,chocolate,Vanilla,butterscotch.A couple of mixed ones in there some where.

"Alright go play for 15 minutes and we will call you in when they're ready."Dani instructed them,she did it all while Sianna and I watched.

"Okay."Three little bodies ran off to their room.I got up to put on the kettle.

"So I kind of have something to tell you both."I said,setting out three mugs.No one else knows about me being pregnant expect Trisha and Esme.We felt it was right to tell them.That was two days after we patched things us.After that we agreed we could tell anyone.

"That is?"Sianna said,motioning her hand for me to continue.

"I'm pregnant."Dani choked on one of the candies that are suppose to on the cupcakes."You're lying?"She asked.

"The hell with that!By who?"Sianna asked,it just hit my I never told her what happened.

"Zayn."I said,couldn't help but giggle at Sianna taking all of this in.I shortened the story telling her what fully took place between Zayn and I months back.And about our conversation,they seem satisfied.

"How far along are you?"Sianna asked."Little over three months."

Dani said."Congratulations,I'm happy for you two.Ill be even more happy once you two get together."

"We are working on that.He did bring up living arrangements but I said things should stay like this."I dropped the tea bags on each much,going for the sugar next.

Sianna clearly disagreed with what I just said,her eye roll told it all.

"Seriously?you're three months pregnant with two little girls now.Im sure morning sickness is a bitch--"

"No bad words mummy!"Lai yelled from the other room,"Sorry baba."You can always count on your child for that."Si pointed to me.

"Close this chapter and move on,he loves you and misses having you all home."I sipped my tea,hoping this will prevent me from getting a headache.

"Because this place is a temporary house not home."Dani finished what Sianna was going to say."I don't want to feel like I'm rushing or confusing the girls."

"You're not,you both have the worst habit of not letting go of things when it comes to your relationship.You had a screaming match,express why you're hurting,apologized now move on together as a family."Dani said,my friends are like free therapist.

"It will happen soon but until then,we have to plan a beautiful baby shower and nursery shopping."I gave a Si the look of you're doing too much'.

"I don't even know the sex yet,calm down.I'm in a two bedroom flat this baby might be sleeping in the living rooms.Leave me alone."

"Which makes no sense,have you told Esme or Trisha?"Dani asked."Yes,they are excited.Just waiting for thing to get better between him and I."

"As we all are."I could throw something at her and just say it was my hormones acting up.

These little girls made a ridiculously amount of cupcakes.Dani and Sianna went home with at least twenty each leaving me with forty.

I'm on my third one.You can categorize me as not one of those fit pregnant woman.I eat a lot and I have no care in the world.Perks of being pregnant.

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