All On You

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Zayns pov

I managed to get my mum and Esme out here without Elena finding out.Mainly because the girls haven't seen them and they won't.They might be more upset them the girls.

The reason they are both out here is because I need help looking for an engagement ring.I didn't want to use her old ring to propose again.That ring was in the past while we were going through a lot of bullshit.I need a perfect new ring.The only two people who knows Elena better then me is our mums.

The only person who knows what's going on is Liam,he gave me the number of the jeweler who he bought Dani's ring from.

Perfect day for them to be here because Elena is busy with looking at different locations for a new shop.Happens to be thirty minutes away.The girls are in school.

Archie laid out all the options for me.There has to be well over

£4 million dollars of jewelry in front of us."You said you didn't really know what type of ring you wanted.So I brought a few of many different rings." explained,I nodded.

"I can say now,you can eliminate the whole last line.Way too big.She will hate that."My Mum said to me in a stern voice.Archie removed the massive diamonds from the table.

"That last one farthest to you Trisha."Esme said,"Oh yeah.Here you go sweetheart."Handing Archie the ring.Im sure he's dealt with this before.

"There's a heart shaped,three piece."Handing me the ring,I took it and it didn't feel right.Not something I would see Elena in.Neither of them approved.

"Pear shaped,normally not picked for twenty four year old but it's a favorite from many."

It looks like something for an older woman,fifties or sixties."Definitely not an option."

The perfect ring stood out,perfect shape,perfect size,setting and all.This is the ring Elena will love.Not too big or small."This one."I picked up.

"That's stunning."Esme said."It certainly is."My mum said,patting my knee."That one is £138,843."

I really didn't go in with a price limit though Elena would've buried me alive if I spend a ridiculously amount of money on her ring.

"That's fine,this is the right ring."Getting out his note pad."What's her ring?"

"6.Can you in grave A.N.A on it?"Having the girls names on her engagement ring will make it more special.Our girls are apart of another mile stone in our relationship.

"Yeah,sure.In the front part or back?"He asked."Front."

"Alright,do you think you can get it done by Valentine's Day?"I asked.

"Absolutely,it will be ready for your soon-to-be wife."

I love my mum and Esme to death,I hate to use this word but these two lovely ladies harassed me.How I should set the house up,what flowers I should use to spread on the floor and what flowers I should use for decorations.

"Are you sure you about Valentine's Day?"Esme asked,I shook my head no."Seems predicable and corny."

"Well you have to chose a date,you have the ring.Lets hurry up and make Elena my daughter in law and you Esme son in law."My mum said,if it was up to my mum,Lena and I would've been married right after she had Naveen.

"I agree with your mum without a doubt.If not on that day,when?"Esme asked."To be honest I have no idea.I guess some random day."

"Are you nerves?"My mum asked,it's clear my face shows it.Im never nerves when it comes to Elena.After all that we've been through theres a small chance she will say no.And would like to wait a little longer.

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