The Big Move

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4 months later.
Elena's pov
Things have been non stop for the last four in half months. Zayn has been back and forth between L.A and here, I've stretched myself thin with bookings and making sure I'm home in time to be with the girls. I like to be home when Zayn isn't to help with homework and to make dinner. I've been mad at myself for not getting in until their bedtime which is nine ,nine thirty. It's bad enough Zayn is all the way in the states ,I'm not there either. Esme has been a big help through all of this as usual. Especially with Anaíya. It's easier with Amina and Navi because they're in school. I'm good at multi tasking but Anaíya will wear me thin if I don't give her the attention she wants.

Amina's ninth birthday passed and I cried a lot.I can't believe that Zayn and I have been blessed with such an amazing ,good hearted kid. Her smile brightens my day ,random hugs and her massive curl hair. I will cry the day she straightens her hair. I've worked on that head since she came out of my stomach and it's perfect. Amina has a lot of Zayns traits and the two I love the most is her artist vision and how giving she is. We didn't have a big party like last years because there's a lot going on and she understood that. She did get a beautiful cake and asked for one thing ,that was a day out with Zayn and I. I think it's hard being the oldest when there's a baby and a sometime annoying little sister. Though I know she likes to be to herself sometimes we take advantage of that. Once a week, we promised Amina that we will take her out for whatever she wants. I came up with the idea of having a joint birthday party for all three of them on Naveens birthday. We will be in L.A ,settled in and things won't be hectic. Everyone had to sacrifice something ,she's sacrificing sharing her birthday. Our families will be coming out for the week, only Perla and the boys can fly out for the weekend. Emmanuel is booked that weekend.
The month of mine and Anaíyas birthday will be a year since I found out about Emmanuel.I'm dragging him out for a mini celebration. He and Zayn thinks it's a tad corny ,Perla and I think it's a great idea and we're right.

Looking for locations has been easier them looking for a new home. Above all it has to be gated because people love to push the limit getting pictures. I put the idea of getting a condo and Zayn was highly against it. Didn't like the idea of having neighbors close also he wanted the girls to have their own backyard. He's in a mission to find a house that is gated, big backyard that's not near the mountains, four bedrooms ,five baths, art room,open kitchen that goes into the family room. Carpet is a must with Anaíya learning how to walk. Neither of us need her falling on hard floors. Amina and Naveen are sharing rooms.
I like I thought we will be in a hotel for a week which is fine.
Now as for our shop that's been really easy. We've narrowed it down to three locations that will make the decision when we get there. This will definitely be bigger then our curtain shops which is exciting. Dash has already put the word out to his friends ,who also are makeup and hairstylist that are looking for jobs. A few already have a strong cliental which is a massive plus. That's coming together better then our house hunting.

"What all is going?"Danielle asks. She and Malena have been a big help with all this. Our girls go to the same school. Normally Malena is the one to take them to school and Dani brings them home.
Danielle and Liam waited until their baby shower to find out the sex of their baby...Its a girl! They're going with the P theme, her name is Penelope Rose.
"Mainly clothes."I say,"I figured they can take a few toys. There is some pictures I'll have mailed there." I point to my makeup."That as well."I'm taking majority of my makeup. I told Waliyha and Safaa ,they can come and get whatever they want. I've already packed the stuff I'm taking.
"I can't believe you all are moving."Dani says."The only perks of this move is that I have a reason to come to La."
I look at Dani rubbing her baby bump. She's definitely grown a lot. Bigger then what she was with Paisley."Am I really the only reason?"I ask her as I fold Anaíya blanket.

She smiles,"No only because I'm craving doughnuts right now. But you guys are in my top five reasons to go. Have you and Zayn decided if you will be living there permanently?"Dani asks.

I shake my head,"No depending on how this all plays out will decide by the end of the summer. I don't know how the girls would react to attending a new school. Living there for three months is a little easier."

"And their grandparents will kill you two".Dani says. That's true too. This move alone kind of frustrated them but they know it's for work.
We managed to get a lot of the girls clothes packed. Two indecisive people shouldn't looking for furniture together. The table I wanted to get for this house ,I found for our new place. Also a black sectional that is perfect. Now whatever place we find has to fit our sofa that I'm in love with.

The pizza we orders finally came."I'm not sure of its good or bad that they are that quite."Dani says. Our poor girls were starving. Anaíya is damn near out of eating baby food. She loves real food with good flavor. Anaíya will spit out her baby food if she doesn't want it and have whatever I made.

I got a Greek salad and she's having a Caesar salad with pizza. "So as wild as this idea sounds, I'm thinking about having a home birth."Dani says. I look at her like she's crazy. It's not like I'm talking to someone who doesn't have a child already and knows the horrifying pain of child birth. Hats off to any woman who have done home birth. My tolerance isn't high enough for it.

"Are you joking?"I ask. Dani laughs,"No I'm serious. I've been looking into it for awhile now and it's something I want to do. I wanted to do it with Pai but she was out before they could even get the pool out." I'm in pain for her.

"What does Liam say?"I ask.

"He's game. The only part he hates is seeing me in pain but I want to do."Dani explains."He's scared he might do something wrong so he wants Sarah there for his own comfort."I laugh. I would do the same. "Remember that movie with the Back Up Plan with Jennifer Lopez.She was in that support group of women. Either her or boy friend got pulled into the water."I say, we laughed so hard until tears came out.

"You're horrible Elena."Dani says while laughing..

I miss Zayn being here so Amina and Naveen are sleeping in his spot. I don't want Anaíya sleeping in her because she will get use to it. Though she is in here right now making high pitch screams.
"You're loud."Amina tells Anaíya. I swear Amina's face looks just like Zayns in that moment. I hear the ringer on my laptop,"It's daddy!"Navi says. Amina accepts the call. "There are my pretty girls."Zayn says.
"Hi daddy!"They say together. They start their conversation. I forgot Anaíya wasn't in the video chat. I'm positively sure Anaiya hates her play pen. Cage is what Amina calls it.

"Oh there's Littles."Zayn chuckles as Anaíya tries to grab the scream. Her and those happy fingers."Da!"

"I miss you too beautiful."I love when she smiles.Anaiya had this one tooth that is grown in and bigger the the others.All you see is this bright white thing in her mouth.

Holding her is killing my arm since she's tilted over."There's my pretty wifey."Zayn says.

"Hey you, how is it going?"I ask ,hoping to hear good news. "I found two houses that have everything we want. You just have to come out as soon as possible before anyone locks in a deal."

Oh shit...

"When's the latest I can come?"I ask. I owe Esme the world for what I'm about to ask of her."This Monday or Tuesday."he answers. I look at the girls ,who are watching Zootopia.
"Ok. Ill be there."

15+votes please!!
So my lovely gals (I don't think they're are any guys) I have some news that has to do with this book..... It's coming to an end very soon. I did have plans for it but I changed my mind. Threes years of writing and it's time for it to end. I'll let you all know when I'm done to the last five chapters. I do thank you all for the love on this book. Every chapter I've asked for 15+ votes and you all give it to me. I appreciate it! I do have two other books you can check out. I have some good things for Meant To Be coming up.(That's NOT a fanfic)

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