I Miss Us.

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Elena's pov

Zayn and I are sitting at my check up.I know I haven't been coming regularly like I should've.Missed two appointments which made Zayn upset.I strongly believe I'm three months but i also know I'm bigger now then I was with Nav and Amina at three months.Big possibility I might be farther along then what I thought I was.

Down flaws of being pregnant is that my hips look huge.Moments like this I wish I was built like El.

Feeling Zayn take my hand in his,we've still been 'acting' like a couple but nothing is official."I've been thinking about names."Zayn said."Laith for a boy."

I'm honestly surprised he even had a boy name.He's convinced we are having a girl."I love that name.For a girl?"I asked.

"Anaíya Celia."Anaíya Celia,quickly realizing the middle name he just said."After Esme."

"Yeah,we both like the name and there's a strong possibility she might cry knowing our daughter is named after her."I was going to speak until we heard my name being called"Elena Mora?"

Zayn placed his hand on my lower back,walking to the nurse."Hi sweethearts,right this way."We smiled following her to to the baby theme room.

"The doctor will be with you shortly."I sat on the table,I hate these things.Very uncomfortable.

"Okay,thank you."I said.When she left I felt Zayn looking at me.He's been doing this lately."What?"

He pointed to my stomach,which is growing every day."We see each other a lot, and you just noticed my bump?"

"No,I notice everything."He smiled,since we've been getting along I'm starting to like him more.I know we're on the right path of fixing out dysfunctional relationship.

Dr.Samuels have been my obgyn since I was pregnant with Nav."Can we know the sex today?"Zayn asked,she laughed."If we're lucky today."She answered."The last time you came you were about eight weeks.Lets see where you are now."

I laid down,lifting my shirt reveling my bump.Zayn stood beside me with his hand slightly running through my hair."There goes the baby.Very healthy."Dr.Samuels said,I see my baby.Using the 3d screen,we can see the detail motion of our baby's face.I can say now,just like Amina and Nav this baby has their dads lips."The baby has nose."Zayn said,that's true.

"He or she has your lips."I replied.

"Naveen was about five pounds?"She asked."Yeah."

"I'm going to guess this little one will be over six pounds."My eyes widen,there so many things wrong here."Will I be pushing?"

"All depends on if you're fully dilated.You were close with Naveen then end up having a c section."I nodded,thinking of those stitches give me a headache.They had me up and moving the next morning,talk about pain.

"I have good news."She said with a smile on her face.

"What?"I immediately said."You two want to know the sex right?"I giggled,Dr.Samuels is really playing with Zayns emotion."Yes."He answered.

"Well tell Amina and Naveen to prepare themselves for another sister."I looked to Zayn who's smiling ear to ear,as I am too."She's a healthy little girl and you're officially in your second trimester."

Dr.Samuels gave us duplicates of the sonogram and informed us of our next appointment which will be in three weeks.

"I'm going to be fucking huge."I said,Zayn had his arm wrapped around me as we stood on the lift."Stop,you are beautiful."

"I'm going to look like I belong in sea world,like a fucking whale."He shook his head."Stop talking about yourself like that.You're carrying our baby girl,I promise it will be all worth it."

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