The End

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Zayns pov
Trying to get Elena is the studio has to be the hardest task ever. If I push hard enough or annoy the hell out of her ,she would give in but for the passed four months Elena hasn't budged. I snuck all of her books she wrote in during our move and been hiding them in my studio. She doesn't come out here much so I'm safe. I know she will never want to release them or sale them for that matter. Elena has one hell of a gift that should be put to use even if our family and friends are the only ones who will here it. In her music is a life story filled with pain,forgiveness,happiness,love,
heartache all of the above. I understand that her writing is therapeutic for her and all the shit she's been through but I think putting into a song will heal a few wounds.

That's if she's game."You're gonna be in that stereotype Hollywood marriage if you keep fucking with her music." Harris out of all people should know her talent is rare to come buy. This is the type of talent he searches for."Are you telling me you aren't impressed?"I ask, I'm going to ignore the comment about my marriage."Speaking as an A&R this is the type of music I want to find for artists. It doesn't fit into that bullshit that's out now. Her music means something. There's a story that should be told since many can relate. But speaking as a friend to you and Lena ,she's gonna be offended we have her books. Like any artist."Harris points to me. "You're sensitive about your craft." I know he's right. I would feel a certain way if someone took my music books. I text Ashlyn to come out here with Lena and she says yes. Our family are here for holidays so the girls are being watched by everyone. And if Elena tries to stab me in the neck with a pen I'll have witnesses.

I really am lucky to call Elena my wife. Seeing that little glow in her eyes and it's not the makeup. It's happiness ,we are in a good space in our relationship, our kids are still wild well mainly Navi and Anaíya, Amina will always be our calm child. But they are happy ,they love living in L.A new surroundings. I don't think we'll be having anymore until Anaíya is three or four which is a decent age gap. If we don't put hands our full with our girls but a boy would be nice.

Ashlyn walks in first ,Elena following behind instantly eyeing her books."Before you kill him. Listen."Harris speaks up, Elena looks at him then me rolling her eyes. For once I'm happy she isn't sitting next to me. "You're trying to ruin my holiday spirit."Elena quickly says to me. I remain quite because I really want her to record these songs. Harris explains he wanted to work with her since she sang at our wedding. "Don't let your talent go to waste sis. You have something every true artist wants. The ability to sing their asses off without sounding pitchy or just bloody horrible."Holding up one of the books."This is raw talent. From the lowest parts of life to the hardest. You have a story that should be told because their are so many women who can relate believe or not." I can tell she's actually considering this and I couldn't be happier..Elena has always pushed me to do everything I've ever done in my career. Taken many risk even when I doubted myself ,she was there to remind I got this. It's only right I do the same.

"If I do this."Elena points at me."I can record in front of Zayn."I would be lying if I say I'm not offended but Elena always says she get nerves singing around me. But I would love to see her in the process of recording.z
Harris looks at me,"You won't be in here." As much as I wanted to put up a fight I couldn't. I know my baby is in good hands.

I surrender "Alright."

"Why am I the only one ,who didn't know my best friend was this talented?"Ashlyn says, while looks through the last book. Those are the most recent songs that I doubt she will sing. I know Ashlyn will stay in here while she records ,Ash will keep me posted on Lena. I don't care if she annoys Harris ,keeping Lena happy is all I care about right now. Elena rolls her eyes again ,walking towards me. "Harris wasn't suppose to see these either. Thanks to you."I grab Lena by her to sit on my lap. "I'm being a supportive husband."

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