Our New Home

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Y'all didn't think I was gonna post the new chapter? Gotcha ya

Elena's pov
I feel like a ton of stress was lifted off of me now that everything is falling into place. I honestly thought we wouldn't find a house that felt like home. The only furniture shopping we managed to get done is for the girls is their beds ,tvs and dressers. Air mattresses will work fine for Zayn and I for a few days until our bed is delivered. We haven't decided on what colors we're going for but if I play my cards right ,he will let me decorate with zero input on his end. I will leave the basement ,garage and garden to him and I know the girls will love it.

I knew by the time we arrived home Anaiya will be down for her second nap. The both of us were tempted to wake her up but Esme said she was cranky so that quickly stopped us. If Anaiya sleeps until her sisters come home I'll be very happy and she won't drive us crazy.
A part of Esme is happy about our trip going smoothly and the other part of her is still trying to guilt trip us into staying which isn't working. Though this move is hard on me since she and I have never been separated like this. I'm use to the phone calls away or random drop ins. She's all I have and as bad as I want her to move out there with us ,I know she can't. That's selfish on my end since I'm not her only child anymore nor or my kids her only grandkids. Chase and Sunny need Esme just as much as my girls.

"When do you guys leave?"Esme asks, I watch Zayn hug her."About two weeks from now." Their last day of school is this week, I want to give them a week to relax before we relocate them. From what Navi says ,she wants to go to the beach every day ,eat doughnuts and frozen yogurt.
Esme is short compared to Zayn,"Now are you sure about this move?"She asked. Zayn kisses her on the temple,"Yes we are. Tell me when you want to come and I'll get you a ticket."

She sighs,"Taking my babies away from should be against the law."

I open the fridge to see all the food she cooked within three days."This is why I don't lose weight."I mumble to myself.  The first thing I grab is the brownies."See if you move I won't be able to make you brownies." Esme says , for a slight second she makes me reconsider moving. These are the 'I have a sweet tooth at two a.m' type of snack. Not really a snack because I'll eat the whole thing.

"You can make enough to last until to visit."I say. She wouldn't miss the girls birthday party for anything. Esme rolls her eyes at me,"I'm going to get dinner." She says as if there is a fridge full of food. Then again it's Esme so neither of us say anything to her.

Zayn looks at me,"Do you want to stay?" He asks, while making his way to sit by me. In the beginning I wasn't sure if I said yes too quickly only for the girls sake but after see what our life's would be like in those few days we were there it made me excited for this move. The girls especially Amina has been around the world plenty of times. I think it would be pretty nice for Naveen to get a different experience of what's it like to live out of London.
"Surprisingly no."I say, Zayn chuckles."To be fair I'm getting kinda tired of living here. It's summer and the girls can get into different things out there for the summer."I feed him a bit of the brownie. "Which means you'll be on daddy duty with Anaíya. Want to do a swimming class with her?"

His eyes are telling me no,"Amina loved her swimming class."I say. He did take a swimming class with Navi so they learned at the same time which was adorable. Amina is a better swimmer then he is and she has no problem telling him that."Two or three lessons you have to be there then I'll be fine with doing it myself."

It's sad that I laugh,"You will be in shallow part."That wasn't convincing at all.
"I will be there."I had a feeling he wasn't going to agree unless I said yes.

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