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Third person's POV

Amara glanced one time behind her as she ran, trying to stop herself from using her vampire speed. At the same time, she tried to suppress her wolf from from taking over and shifting.

We'll be okay. She told her wolf as she ran. But she only received an annoyed growl from her as a response.

"You can run away all you want, coward. But this is our land. You know we will find you." A harsh masculine voice growled out to her from somewhere behind in the woods.

The faint moon was their only source of light as they chased between the dark trees. Thanks to her spells, Amara was able to hide both of her werewolf and vampire scents as she tried to escape, causing the angry and frustrated vampire men chasing her to become more determined.

Just as she felt like she had lost them, Amara stopped and placed her hand on a tree as she took a look around her, trying to see if she was in the clear.

Then the crunching of dried leaves from behind her was heard, and she quickly turned her head to see a dark haired young man with blood red eyes. His eyes widened as she turned to him, and the vampire paused and stared at her in awe, forgetting what he chased behind her for.

Amara possessed inhuman beauty. Her thick, brown hair fell into mesmerizing silky waves that reached past her waist. Her black and long eyelashes framed her vibrant hazel-green eyes that were so unique and beautiful, where some  stuttered as they talked when she held eye contact with them. Her feminine button nose, plump and full lips, her softly defined cheekbones that were naturally tainted pink, complimenting her perfect porcelain skin.

Yet to her disadvantage, during her 855 years of living, her beauty caused too much attention to be drawn to her anywhere she went. Whether she was around humans, vampires, werewolfs or even witches. And she dreaded that kind of attention. It only caused her more danger, and when Amara feels threatened, people tend to die.

She gave the man a small, innocent smile, still showing her straight, pearly teeth, trying to take advantage of his daze. The man thought he lost his sanity when she turned to him, now he was sure that her smile dragged completely mad.

The vampire a took a step towards her, his eyes still studying the young woman.

"What's your name?" He finally managed to ask.

Amara kept her eyes locked with his, trying to make her expression as soft as she could.

"Aurora." She lied. She never told her real name to anyone. Her real name was known around every supernatural community. Yet no one knew what Amara Leandro looked like anymore as the years passed by and generations changed. She planned on keeping it that way, at least for as long as she could manage.

"What are you, Aurora?" The young man asked gently, and Amara gave the man a sad smile before she suddenly reached out with her hand and penetrated the man's chest, gripping his heart and pulling it out.

The vampire fell to the group with a thud, and she knelt down to place his heart next to him.

Amara sighed as she looked at the dead vampire before she shifted into her wolf form and ran. She didn't know where she was heading, but she knew wherever the destination was, it was just going to be another temporary home for her until she had to flee again.

Because that was what her life was about. Being kept a secret. She hated it, but she had no choice.

Amara would never let anyone get the satisfaction of ending her life, so she used to try to do it on her own. But despite how many times the young woman tried to kill her self, end her agonizingly immortal life, she failed every time. Somehow waking up and realizing she was still alive. She tried again and again, with spells, herbs, mixtures of wolfsbane, silver, etc, yet nothing was working.

But as the only existing tribrid in the wold, her existence meant disaster. And no matter how much she tried to escape it, disasters always found their way to her.

She was powerful. Too powerful. And she was a fighter. Yet creatures still never gave up, and the only reason she fled was because she didn't want to take away more lives. God knows she had killed many. She was aware of how destructive she was and she preferred to spare the chaos.

The moon goddess' daughter, was what people called her.

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