•Chapter 1•

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I stuffed the last remaining blood bag in my bag before throwing it over the my shoulder and walking out. I looked at the frozen nurses, doctors and patients surrounding the hallway and smirked to myself. It was my favorite spell. Very handy.

I walked towards the nearest window and swung my leg over it, before looking back one more time and snapping my fingers, causing motion to flow back again through these people. I used my vampire speed to jump out the window and run, passing through people as fast as lightening, heading towards the woods.

As I reached the familiar area where my house was near, I let out a satisfied sigh. Today was a success.

The sound of wood crackling can be heard as my feet hit the ground. I inhaling the fresh and peaceful breeze.

But my vampire senses tensed and I snapped my neck towards a certain direction, where a pair of glowing yellow eyes glared at me.

A dark brown wolf stood a few feet away from me. A huge one. Bigger than most wolves I have seen before.

I let out a soft sigh and rolled my eyes.

"You can stop glaring now, I'm no enemy. Let me get back to my house safely and I'll spare your life. I promise."

That angered the wolf, causing a very loud growl to escape its throat as it neared me. I almost huffed in annoyance. My vampire was hungry and if I didn't get home to drink those blood bags soon, I would have to drain this nice wolf. And I didn't want to do that. The wolf didn't smell like a rogue, it belonged to a pack. A powerful one. I could sense it.

As I started walking again, getting bored of the glaring wolf, it finally decided to run towards me and pounce. Well, tried to pounce. I managed to use my strength and grip the wolf's neck before he touched me, pinning him against the tree. His large head growled in my face and I cringed.

"Stop spitting, it's disgusting!" I snapped at him, still gripping the wolf in place.

His growls grew louder. "Now, I will walk away, and you will let me leave, because I promise I don't feel like killing anyone tonight, so don't tempt me. Okay?"

He should have sensed my abilities, by how easily I pinned his large size against the trees while remaining untouched, but the stubborn wolf was too confident in himself, because the moment I let him go, he lounged at me and bit my arm, making me cry out. Angering me.

But my eyes softened when they landed on the wolf that just bit me, who now laid against the ground looking weak.

I knelt next to him. The wolf whimpered in pain, its eyes struggling to stay open.

"I shouldn't have let you bit me." I mumbled to myself. My blood was poisonous to both vampires and wolves. A spell that took me over a hundred years to cast. If my blood starts mixing with theirs, my blood would start acting like acid, burning their veins in process.

It was just another way of protecting myself.

"You will be fine. It will only last a couple of minutes. You didn't bite hard enough." I told him and stood up.

"For your own good, pretend this encounter never happened." I told the wolf, picking up my bag before walking away. Knowing well the first thing he was going to do when he gets up is to run to his little pack and tell them about the intruder.

I opened my cabin's wooden door with a frown. Should I leave?

I shook my head at the thought. I've been only here for a few months. And the werewolf doesn't know where I live. The situation wasn't that dangerous. Yet. Maybe he was going to be smart enough to keep his mouth shut and let me be.

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