• Chapter 9 •

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Suddenly Greyson's hold loosened on Leonel and his eyes slightly widened, before he regained himself back and slammed Leonel's head harder against the wall, forming a crack.

"What the fuck are you talking about?"

I have never in my life felt this threatened. I was scared. I wanted to help Leonel but I was frozen in my place.

"Why don't you ask her what I mean?!" Leonel yelled, before coughing. Suddenly Greyson dropped him to the ground and turned to me. Every step he took forward, I took one backwards. His eyes now burning with anger.

The lights in the room started flickering. I tried calming myself down. I wasn't scared of Greyson. I was scared of the situation l was put in front of both my ex vampire husband and my werewolf mate.

"Who the hell is 'Lilith' and why is that leech calling you his wife." He said, his voice low yet frightening. My back hit the wall and I looked up at Greyson who was now towering me. My eyes flickered back to Leonel for a second.

This can't be happening. After all those centuries, I can't be exposed this way. Not in-front of a vampire and a werewolf.

"I can't.." I managed to say. His eyes darkened and I jumped as he slammed his fist next to my head, creating yet another crack in the wall.

"You're mine!" He growled in my face, "So why the hell is he calling you his damn wife, Cassandra!"

I stayed silent for a few seconds, and the lights stopped flickering. Glancing between Greyson and Leonel who stayed on the floor watching us, I took a deep breath before averting my eyes towards Greyson's angry ones.

"My name isn't Cassandra. Or Lilith. My real name's Amara. Amara Leandro." I whispered. I watched as Greyson's bright yellow eyes died down in shock, going back to his beautiful grey ones. His whole face fell, so did Leonel's.

"I'm one of the Original Greek vampires. I'm a White witch and I'm a werewolf.." I spoke, feeling a huge burden off my chest. It felt foreign. I've never said these words out loud in my life. "I'm the Tribrid."

When they both stayed silent, I turned my attention to Greyson.

"I've been alive for 890 years, Greyson." I whispered to him. "I was married to Leonel over 300 years ago."

Greyson stood there staring at me for a while, I'm guessing processing what I just said. I turned to Leonel.

"This is why I eventually had to escape back then. Because I wanted to stay hidden. I had to stay hidden. And it was getting harder and harder for me to contain my magic or my vampire around you. I could only contain myself for so long before something slips. So I left before.." I said. "Before you or anyone could find out. It's just what I do."

"Impossible." Leonel finally said. He stood up and took a step closer. "I knew you for years in Charlestown. You were only a werewolf and that was what everybody-"

"That's what I wanted everybody to think." I cut him off. "Magic." I simply explained.

"So I was only some entertainment for you to fill your lonely needs? I loved you! I spent years trying to get over you!"

"At a point, I might have loved you too, Leonel. But let me ask you something," I stepped away from Greyson and took a step closer to Leonel. "If I had told you back then who I was, would you have fought to keep me safe?"

"No I wouldn't. Because you can't be Amara. Amara's nothing but a fucking devil and I don't believe you right now."

Suddenly I turned my eyes red, revealed my fangs before holding out my hand and creating a pink swirling dust.

It was pretty.

"I am Amara, but I'm no devil." I said, reversing the fangs and the red eyes before letting the pink dust disappear into the air.

It took Leonel a few seconds of staring at me before suddenly he disappeared, bolting out of the window using his vampire speed.

"No." I whispered to myself and was about to chase after him when Greyson's arm blocked me.

"Leave it." He said firmly. "I'll find him before he gets to open his mouth."

I looked up at Greyson, trying to read his expression.

I couldn't.

"It's hard to picture that it's you." He said after a few seconds. I heard disappointment in his voice.

He was disappointed that I was his mate. And that hurt me. Hurt me more than I thought it would.

"Greyson, I'm not dangerou-"

"Of course you are!" He roared, his skin heating up from anger again. "You were never supposed to even exist! You wiped packs out! You burned villages down! You-"

"I've never done any of those things!" I snapped at him, feeling tears brimming in my vision.

Shit. I haven't cried since years.

"I've never hurt anyone unless it was to defend myself! All these stupid stories people make about me are ridiculous and I can't believe you believed them too!"

"Then why hide if they're not true?!"

"Because I don't want to harm anyone." I felt a tear slipping from my eye. "No one will accept me and every single supernatural in existence wants to kill me. They all would start wars just to get rid of me and I have no choice but to defend myself. But I know what I'm capable of and defending myself comes with a chaos that I don't want to cause! I'm nothing like how everyone in history made me out to be and no matter how much I tried to change people's views, no one would trust me. So I gave up. I left Greece and travelled to America in 1780 and lived off switching identities. Eventually when I was tired of it I decided to stay completely hidden. Away from any livings and it was fucking torture, Greyson! But I did it because no one would accept that the Tribid isn't a fucking monster and that's why I stayed hidden."

His eyes softened for a second. Just for a second. He lifted his hand and softly touched my cheek, using his thumb to wipe my tears.

"Don't cry." He said rather coldly. I quietly sniffled and gave him a short nod.

He let out a sigh. He walked towards the bed and sat down.

"Why did you offer to help my pack instead of escaping? Isn't that what you do. Why risk it?" 

I didn't reply to his questions. Deep down he knew why.

We were both quiet for a while, before he slowly shook his head and stood up.

"Get some sleep. We'll talk tomorrow."

Without waiting for a response, he left me in my spot and walked towards the bedroom's door, closing it behind him.

Despite his cold reaction, I wanted him to stay with me. Just for a little longer. I found comfort and warmth in his presence, and it made me wonder how I could be feelings those things while he obviously felt.. nothing.

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