• Chapter 8 •

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"What was that?" I heard a familiar angry voice ask the moment I stepped out of the hut back in my clothes. I turned to Greyson with furrowed eyebrows as I pulled out my hair from beneath my shirt.

"What was what?"

"The vampire that caught your attention in the woods." He replied. I froze for a second.

He saw him?

"I didn't see anyone." I lied. Just as I turned to walk towards the other direction he walked and stood in front of me again, blocking me.

"And you're the worst liar I've ever met in my life." He crossed his arms over his chest and shrugged. I crossed my arms too.

"It's nothing, Greyson. I was just surprised to see a vampire on your property, that's it." I said. He slightly raised his eyebrows.

"I was too. See," he paused, taking a step closer to me. "Usually no vampire dares to step a foot on my territory. Because if there's one thing I despised the most in this world, it would be vampires. And they know that. I have absolutely no mercy when it comes to them. My hate runs so deep for these bloodsucking leeches and I tolerate absolutely none of their shit." He snapped.

The joy and pride my wolf was feeling from the fight was suddenly gone. Replaced by pain. My heart ached for her.

I'm so sorry. I apologized to her. My wolf was always happy to be mine. She took pride in being part witch and part vampire.

But right now? I doubted she felt anything good out of it. I was the reason she struggled to be with her mate. Our mate.

"And why are you telling me this?" I asked coldly. His words effected me. He probably didn't even mean it personally but it effected me more than I'd admit.

"Because from what I saw, I can tell you know this vampire. And trust me Cassandra, it won't be good if I found out that you have anything to do with those goddamn species." He said, glaring down at me.

How was I ever going to tell him I was one? The intense hate was dripping from his voice.

I tried to stare back at him confidently.

"I don't have anything to do with that vampire." I lied, again. "I promise."

His eyes held mine for a few more seconds, evidence clear on his face that he didn't believe me.

"Fine." He replied calmly, surprising me. With that he walked past me. I tried not to frown. Why did he drop it so easily? Not that I'm complaining of course.

I took one last look at him, watching him walk away, before I turned around and made my way towards where his pack members were.

I guess time for some training.


The night came by quickly. I glanced at the man on the ground, his arm twisted beneath me as I placed my knee on his back.

"I already told you. You've got strength. But you think about your next moves too much, it makes you slow. Trust your instincts more." I told him, nearing down to his ear. I let go of his arm and got up.

"Wanna go again?" I asked him. With a groan, the brunette got up and turned his dark blue eyes to me.

"Your grip's tight, woman." He huffed out, rubbing his masculine arm. I rolled my eyes at him.

"Don't be a baby." I stepped closer and held his arm to look at it. There was a bruise. Oh.

I need to work on holding my vampire back more.

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