I roll my eyes. This gun wasn't even fucking loaded. It was too light. A knife drops from Alex's sleeve and he holds it up, readying himself to throw it at me. I smirk. He really thinks he is going to win with a knife? "Come on, stab me. Hope for your sake that this time it kill me."

"Wait, who the fuck stabbed you?" He furrows his eyebrows and a strange look fills his eyes. A sad sigh leaves my mouth at the memory. I did absolutely everything I possibly could to flush every memory of that stupid bitch out of my mind simply because I was an emotional wreck whenever I thought about it. "Elijah." I drop the gun back onto Raphael's desk and collapse back into my chair. 

"I'll kill him," Alex spits. I giggle and pat him on the arm as he takes his seat. "Not if I kill him first," I say, blowing him a kiss. All the while, Raphael sat in front of us, a smirk adorning is face. "So you two are seriously trying to tell me that there is nothing going on here?" He mutters.

Alex and I exchange a small glance. "There is definitely something..." He begins slowly. I couldn't help the scoff that left my lips at his expression. "Bitch, I have a boyfriend."

Alex just stares at me for a minute, jaw ajar. "Oh okay, you have a boyfriend, so what? We have slept together every night since you left him in that cabin in the forest!" Alex exclaims, throwing his hands up in the air. I look to Raphael for help but he throws his hands up. "Hey, don't look at me," he grumbles.

"We didn't sleep together, we just slept next to each other. And that was only because your stupid ass kept booking rooms with only one bed," I retort coldly. 

Before Alex had the chance to reply, Raphael cuts in. "Okay, you two need couples therapy," he begins, furrowing his eyebrows in concern at the two of us. "And I have a meeting in ten minutes so we need to speed shit up and make a plan."

Alex hums for a minute. "We need to keep both the gun and this bitch hidden from Ace at all costs but we also need to get his attention somehow," Alex murmurs, almost to himself as he brainstorms. 

"Well, it's simple. I contact Ace, tell him I found Yvette and lead him to our base where my men will be waiting for him," Raphael states, crossing his arms over his chest. Alex turns his nose up. "Trust me, Ace will know something is up. Who's to say that will even get him to come? He will probably just send his men," Alex argues. He had a point. Ace was probably the most skeptical person I had ever met, including myself. He questioned almost everything and didn't even trust the majority of his own men, Elijah being the exception.

"So I tell him to come and pick her up himself because I also have a 'business proposition' for him. Everyone knows that a gang war is about to break lose and Ace is smart, he knows he is going to need all the allies he can get."

Great, no doubt I will end up in the middle of said gang war. "But keeping in mind, the second things turn ugly, I'm leaving. I will provide you with unmarked guys, but I won't go against Ace myself. I don't need him as an enemy," Raphael states calmly. I raise an eyebrow. How does he expect us to trust him if he doesn't want to go against Ace?

"We will have to tie you up, make it look like we are holding you hostage for when Ace gets here. My guys will have Ace alone and vulnerable by the time he gets anywhere near you," he says.

"You do realize I am going to kill him, right? Why would going against Ace be a concern if you know your men can provide sufficient protection and take down as many guys as Ace brings?" I question slowly. By the glare that appeared on his face, I could tell he didn't appreciate my queries. 

"They can provide sufficient protection," he states angrily. Alex reaches over and places his hand on my thigh. "Calm those tits of yours, Love. We are going to tie you to a chair and leave you sitting in an abandoned warehouse somewhere. We might even have to rough you up a bit first, just for effects," Alex snares from beside me, tightening his grip on my thigh and digging his nails in. I swat his hand away and chuckle. "Well when are we doing this?" I ask slowly, shuffling my legs away from Alex on my chair as he goes to grab my thigh again.

"Tonight. I have a meeting soon, but come back in two hours with whatever supplies you think you might need," Raphael states. 

With that, Alex and I exit the room. When we arrived back in the car, I turn to him. "I don't trust him," I state with a frown. He smirks and begins driving. 

"You don't need to trust him. Ralph wants to be top dog, but he is afraid of Ace. He will do everything to overthrow him. He needs you alive to use you as a bargaining chip," Alex explains slowly, taking his eyes of the road to grin at me. 

I guess that made sense... But there was something off about him. As much as I want to wring Ace's neck as soon as I can, I had a bad feeling about tonight.

. . .

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