How They Are When You're Sick

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(Mayhem Edition)

Dr. Teeth - Will take care of you the best he knows, with good rest and music! Before actually taking care of you, he tells the band to quiet it down so you can get sleep. During the day, he'll come in and check on you with water, soup, crackers, and medicine when needed. If you can't sleep, he'll play some quiet music on the keyboard even if it's not his fling. Throwing up isn't were his strong suit is. Yes, he can help, but he doesn't exactly have the strongest stomach either. At the end of the day, he wants to make sure the love of his life gets well soon.

Sgt Floyd Pepper - You're sick? Well, this will not do for the band jam session, he needs you not puking up your guts in the toilet! Nonetheless, he immediately takes you to bed, checks your temperature, and gets the essentials for a sick member. Floyd can't be there all the time since his main job is watching Animal, but he'll sometimes peak his head in for a quick check-up. If you're really sick and can't seem to catch any Zs, he'll whip out his Bass and pluck a small melody. He wants to make sure you're getting better, not worse. Since he isn't allowed in the kitchen anymore, Janice will make soup for you and let Floyd serve it to you. Not exactly your "Knight in Shining Armor", but close enough.

Janice - Motherly instincts kick in almost instantly. She is someone who gives love and care to you when sick. You're cold? Here's a blanket! Hungry? Some soup and crackers will help. Need some quiet? Animal is gonna calm down. Of course, it's not always the case. She can forget that she's supposed to take care of you and completely begin doing something else for a good hour and a half. Say what you want, but she will basically baby you until you're better.

Zoot - "Did they look ill or is it just me?" He probably wouldn't realize anything was wrong before you spilled everything from your stomach into the toilet. Once you finished, you're staying on the couch until the thermometer says you're better. He isn't good at this and will constantly check on you every hour or so because he skips the groove so much. The upside of having him take care of you is having a cuddle buddy. At that point, he doesn't care if he gets sick. All he cares about is you getting sleep even if you have too much energy. If you're lucky, he'll show his eyes to you with the knowledge that the medicine will make you forget what they look like anyway.

Lips - Ew... He never expected to smell the throw up when getting ready in the morning. The worse part is that he has the weakest stomach of the band, so the smell and the sight was not a pretty wake up call. Of course, he powers through the day and gets everything he needs to help you, a sick person. Oh, you have work? Expect him to hide it from you so you don't sneak it on him. Wait, you need something? Let him get it for you instead. You are not moving from that bed and if you do, he will personally watch you in the room with a book in hand. And the better news? He doesn't have to go guest lecture at the school, so you're stuck with him until you get better.

(OK, OK, I know Animal wasn't included, but I wouldn't exactly call him helpful when someone gets sick. More like the dog that keeps staring as you lay in bed the whole day)

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