>>*Explosive Love*<<

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Start of the Explosive Love Oneshots

(Crazy Harry x Lew Zealand)


Explosive Love is the (unofficial) ship name of Crazy Harry x Lew Zealand, the pyrotechnician and the boomerang fish guy of the Muppets. Explosives and boomerang fish definitely don't fit, but they have a strange Muppet-y charm. 

Crazy Harry is the pyrotechnician of the Muppets. Some may even say he's a ticking time-bomb, ready to pounce when prompted by certain words. His performances are few to none recently, but his trademark laugh and smile is still noticeable in a crowd. He was puppeteered by Jerry Nelson and is now puppeteered by Matt Vogel. 

Lew Zealand is a performer in the Muppets, specifically with his Boomerang Fish. Dressed almost like a clown, he's one of the stranger characters that have survived the years. His voice and the smell of fish are golden trademarks of this character. Just be careful of any flying fish your way. He was puppeteered by Jerry Nelson and is now puppeteered by Matt Vogel.

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