How they react to you cupping their face

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(Mayhem Edition)

Dr. Teeth - "Aww, ain't that sweet?" He takes it as a sign of gratitude and even kisses your palm out of love. This also cheers him up on a bad day as well when things bring him down. Almost like reassurance that you'll always be there for him.

Sgt Floyd Pepper - "Hey, what's up?" One of the first things he thinks of when you do this is that you're sad or when he's sad. When you're sad, he'll let you play with his mustache a bit. When he's feeling down, it's cuddles all around. Of course, he wouldn't wanna show it, but it seeps through anyhow.

Janice - "I love you too, babe". So sweet about it. She'll even cup your face at the same time. Sometimes, she takes it as you just wanting love. It also kinda means that you wanna kiss her cheek if you're up to it. As well as receiving love, she'll give love back and even surprise you by cupping your face at times.

Zoot - "What are you... Please. Please don't let go..." Something in his mind got triggered. He's not going to say what it is (or remember it at all), but a couple tears came to his eyes. He'll keep you hand on his face for as long as he can just... holding your hand.

Lips - "Uh, love? Whatcha doin'? Do I got food in my goatee?" He's not exactly sure why you're doing this when there isn't anything on his face. His mother did that when he was somewhat a messy eater and usually had a napkin with her. You just smile and tell him that you love him.

Animal - "Oh! You giving Animal pets?" If you don't pet him, you're gonna lose an arm or a finger. The only acceptable place to pet is on top of his head or scratching his back. The very few people allowed to 'cup his face' is his Mama and siblings (Well, if they aren't off causing their own trouble). 

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