How they react to you sitting/laying on their lap

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(Mayhem Edition)

Inspired from BadBatcherCT-990457

Dr. Teeth - "Woah there, darlin'. Didn't know this turned into an authentified snuggle-fest". He doesn't really mind it, it just means more cuddles between rehearsals and gigs. If you're feeling down, he'll make sure this resting period is worth it. You can also lay your worries onto him and he'll listen the entire time. He isn't called the Good Doctor for nothing, you know. He could call off the entire day just to stay like this (other than bathroom breaks).

Sgt Floyd Pepper - "Whaaaat are you doing? Wait, is anyone watching us?" Dude! His cool persona is gonna be crushed if anyone saw you two like this! As long as no one is around to see this, he'll relax and pet your head. This is completely opposite if you're down in the dumps though. His cool persona may get crushed, but whatever you're going through is getting crushed, stomped on, and thrown into the trash. Much more important than that.

Janice - "Aww! You're, like, so cuddly today!" She is all the way for some Netflix and chill, fer shure! Just pick a new movie and she'll grab the organic popcorn! If only the band didn't join in on your guy's private movie night. If you're feeling down, she'll hum a soothing song and offer you an Amethyst, a crystal with a calm aura. You probably, like, totally need it, fer shure! She knows everything that's been happening to you and wants you to take your time for a few days or weeks. Her love and care for you will be maxed out by 200%. Expect a lot of forehead kisses and nuzzling too.

Zoot - "... Please don't do, uh, whatever this is. Maybe warn me or something?" Either you catch him off guard or trigger a memory in the burnt-out saxophonist. Past partners have left their good and bad marks on this man and it really shows. Also, consent is key here. Don't do this when he's napping. You feeling down is a different thing. He knows when someone is hurt physically and mentally, having some of that himself. Knowing how happy you are doing this, he'll gladly let you just to make you smile. You can also join him with his naps. At that point, your happiness is a must and cuddle-bug mode is activated.

Lips - "I- Uh- Wha-" Same with Zoot, please ask before you do this. He might've been spacing out or reading a book or something! It's a nice surprise, but a surprise nonetheless. Always give him a heads up. If you're feeling down, he'll pull you close and cuddle you gently. Something is wrong and he wants to try to make it go away. Screw the band and the show (just at the moment), you need a few mental health days for whatever you're going through. Here's a warm blanket, some hot cocoa, maybe a little Netflix or soft music, whatever it takes to get you better. Oh, and snuggles. Don't forget snuggles.

Animal - Uh... Good luck trying to do this without being injured, bitten, or scratched. 

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