I slowly sit up, trying to fight through the pain. "Hey! Clem you need to rest! Ruby said so." AJ says helping me sit back down. I hate not being able to do anything though. I hate feeling helpless like this. Ruby walks into the room followed by Louis and Violet. "Morning sleeping beauty." Louis says with a smile, he seems to be in a much better mood since we last saw him. "Hey Louis. I'm sorry, about everything." I attempt to apologize, but Louis just smiles at me. "Don't worry about it right now, focus on getting better. We'll have plenty of time to talk about it when you get back on your feet." He says as Ruby kneels beside me. "Your body is still recovering from the infection. You need lots of rest, and medicine. You're gonna have to take things slow if you want to fully recover." She says looking my wound over, saying the one thing I was afraid of.


The days felt like they were dragging on, I hated not being able to do anything. I managed to convince Ruby to let me go for a walk to get some fresh air at least. Violet agreed to take me, which I was kind of glad about. I wanted to talk to her about something very important. We walk over to the graveyard, my eyes glancing over Marlon and Brody's graves. Brody was such a sweet girl, she didn't deserve to die like that. As for Marlon, he was a coward who gave up his friends because he wasn't strong enough to fight. He made all the mistakes and it was Brody and the twins who paid the price for them. We stopped in front of the twins' graves, Violet looking down at Minerva's nickname carved into the wooden cross. "Hey Vi?" I ask softly as I stand next to her looking down at the grave. "I um . . . I saw the carving in the fish shack down by the river." I don't know why I even bothered to bring that up. Violet looks at me with a shocked look for a second before looking back at the grave. "Oh, that.. um, yeah. We were a thing for awhile, it wasn't long though." She says, crossing her arms as she looks down at the grave. It was awkward to talk about it, but I needed to know why I felt this way around Violet, and Violet was the only person I could ask. "How did you know? That you had feelings for her?" I ask, feeling that uneasy feeling in my stomach come rushing back. Violet shrugs and looks on in silence for a moment as if thinking about her answer. "I don't really know how to explain it, I just did. She made me feel things that no one else around here made me feel. Seeing her walking through the halls or hearing her voice just gave me butterflies, especially when she was singing." Violet starts to smile, uncrossing her arms and stuffing her hands in her pockets. "When everything started, all I wanted was to protect her. She hated killing walkers, so I always stayed with her to make sure she didn't have to. Everything was better when she was around, even something as small as patrol or lookout. I just felt safe and at home around her." Violet says looking towards me with a gentle smile.

I didn't know what to do, everything she said was exactly how I had been feeling about her these past couple days. That feeling of emptiness and not being home when we had left was all I could think about. That feeling of just needing to be close with her and feeling safe around her was the only thing I felt whenever I thought of Violet. But what am I supposed to do now? She sounded so happy and in love talking about Minerva, and now she knows she might still be alive out there. Violet doesn't see me like that and even if she did I would probably just be Minerva's replacement. "Why do you ask?" Violet's voice breaks me out of my thoughts. "Oh um, just curious I guess. I don't really know much about them since I never met them." I say shrugging it off as I look back at the twin's graves. I tried to make it seem like I was just asking for the sake of the twins. Violet shrugs and turns towards me, seeming to accept that answer. "Alright, well now it's my turn to ask a question." She says and I could see her smiling at me through my peripheral vision. "Haven't you guys interrogated me enough during Louis' little card game?" I say with a small smile as I turn to face Violet and cross my arms. She rolls her eyes and looks at me with that damn smile of hers. That cute genuine smile that I seemed to be one of the lucky few that could witness it. Her beautiful bright green eyes were shining in the sun as she looked at me. "That doesn't count, it wasn't just you and me. Besides, this is a more personal question." She says softly, her voice trailing off as she looks towards the ground. I could notice a small red blush on her face. She is really cute when she is flustered and embarrassed like that. I wondered what she could possibly want to ask that got her so embarrassed. "When you woke up and.. ya know, could walk and everything again. You could've just left, avoided all the drama with the raiders, plus Mitch and Louis. But you didn't, why?" Violet asks. As she looks back up to meet my gaze, I could see the pained look in her eyes, it gave me chest pains. "Why would I want to go anywhere else, if you're here?" I say looking at her with a soft smile. She seemed surprised at first before looking towards the graves and glancing at me with a smile. "I'm glad." She says before turning back towards the graves.

Violet's POV
I wanted to tell her so bad, tell her how much she made me feel all those things. Tell her how secretly I was thinking more about her than Minerva in that answer. But it felt like I just couldn't bring myself to do it. She just seemed so into that guy she was talking about during that game of war, not to mention how much her and Louis tease each other, there's just no way she feels the same way. Clementine just seemed like she was straight, and I didn't want to risk rejection if she was. I would just end up confessing to her and looking like an idiot when she rejects me. It's better for me to just forget about it, I mean these feelings will go away eventually right? She did say she didn't leave because of me, but that could mean anything. Am I seriously gonna let that alone be the reason for me to take such a big risk? Ugh, what would Louis do if he were in my situation? He is always so confident and flirtatious. Maybe I could ask him for some advice? The only thing I know for sure is I have to do something soon, this tension is fucking killing me.

I Can't Lose You | Walking Dead Fan-Fiction [Violet x Clementine]जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें