Katara shifted awake, laying her eyes on Sokka and Kireina's close proximity then following their stare. "Bato!"

Aang suddenly awoke as well, meeting his sister's confused look. "Bato?" The two repeated in unison.

Katara stood up and ran to hug the stranger known as Bato but not before leaning into Rein's ear on the way, "You are so telling me about this later."

Sokka gently scooted out from under Rein and sprinted towards Bato as well, adamantly waving his arms around in excitement. Aang approached his sister, holding his hand out to assist her in standing so they could introduce themselves to the Water Tribe warrior. "So... you and Sokka, huh?" Aang winked, nudging his sister's side. Kireina blushed and shoved him away playfully.

Rein's eyes sparkled under the starlit sky, adoring the two teens as they spoke with their father's friend. Bato finally looked away from the siblings and set his sights on Aang and Kireina, smiling warmly at them. Sokka fell into place next to Rein, throwing his arm over her shoulder and wiggling his eyebrows at Bato.

"This is Kireina, my lover, and her brother Aang. She's the Ekkona!" Sokka spoke for the two. Rein bit her lip and elbowed Sokka's side, causing him to yelp and jump away while gripping his torso. "Ow!"

"You can't just go around saying that! You didn't introduce Aang as the Avatar so why do you just throw my title out all willy nilly?! And lover? Really?" Rein barked, glaring at Sokka.

"I'm sorry. The Ekkona?" Bato questioned incredulously. "You're the Ekkona? How do you know?"

"Does the Avatar mean nothing to anyone anymore?" Aang pouted from behind.

"She can bend three of the elements!" Katara cheered excitedly, ignoring Aang's comment. "Show him, Kireina!"

Rein gulped but nonetheless agreed to Katara's order. She began by using her birth element- air. She lifted her arms up, placing her hands parallel to each other and forming a mini tornado between her palms. Bato's jaw fell open at her airbending, having never seen that art before.

Kireina smirked, enjoying the attention she was receiving from the group. Even Aang was fully immersed in the scene unfolding. She adjusted her gaze to the ocean to her right, wiggling her fingers slightly to manipulate the waves into a small stream of water and guided it over to the older man where she froze it and let it fall to his feet.

Bato was amazed at how easily she was bending. There were no ancient moves needed, she just twitched her fingers and the water did as told. In his forty years of life, he had never seen anything like it.

"I haven't really gotten the hang of firebending yet but I'll try." Rein sighed and turned to face the campfire a few feet away. Her mind wandered back to Zuko and his lessons. She closed her eyes and began to steady her breathing.

"Uncle always scolds me for this but it's the only way I can bend powerful flames, so don't tell him I taught you this."

"Close your eyes and picture something that makes you shake with rage, feelings you've locked deep inside to protect your brother."

Rein shook her head. There was no need to think negative thoughts, there wasn't a necessity to trigger rage and anger to firebend. Iroh was an army general and he never seemed angry a day in his life yet he could firebend masterfully. She just had to focus on her breathing and be one with the fire that burned within her.

Even with her eyes closed, she could see the flash of red and could feel the fire's heat from ten feet away.

"Kireina! Turn it off!" Sokka shouted, shaking her profusely. Rein opened her eyes to see the campfire now on full blast. It shot fifty feet in the air, crackling so loudly it woke the birds hidden in the trees. Appa groaned in fear, backing away with Momo cowering on the saddle.

Rein gasped and waved her arms around, trying to put the roaring fire out. Instead, the waving of her arms initiated a fire tornado, causing the flames to spin in circles around the beach. "Oh wow! This is intense!" She yelped, wincing as the whirlwind of fire danced around the sand.

"You think?!" Sokka screamed back, practically pulling the hair out of his head. Rein giggled at his animated expression before motioning the water to form a large wave and douse the fire-nado.

"What should we call that? A fire-nado? Oh, how about flamado?! That one rolls off your tongue nicely, try it Sok!" Rein chirped, spinning around to face the group of shocked faces.

"Flamado." Sokka deadpanned in a monotonous tone.

"Add that one to the books!"

The four stared at Rein, completely flabbergasted by what they just witnessed. Katara clung onto Aang and poor, unsuspecting Bato stood motionless.

"I see you haven't figured out how to earthbend yet?" Bato cleared his throat.

Rein's eyes widened at his question. "You mean, the Ekkona can bend all the elements?"

"Why would you be able to bend three of the elements and not all four? Granted, the Ekkona's powers are still unknown but the Avatar spirits touched you for a reason, there's no way in my mind that you wouldn't be able to bend them all." Bato spoke, gaining the attention of everyone. "I need to tell Hakoda about this, he's been looking for you, my dear."

"Dad's been looking for Kireina? I thought you were all fighting in the war?" Katara asked, her brows knitting together in confusion.

Bato nodded his head, "While that is true, yes, we've been following the Ekkona's trail for years. We've searched high and low for you, Kireina, who would've thought you would find Sokka and Katara instead."

"But why hunt me down? What am I going to help you accomplish?" Kireina questioned. Her heart began to pound in her chest so hard she could feel the blood pumping in her veins.

"Oh you don't know?" Bato smiled, gently grabbing her by the chin to look deep in her big grey eyes. "You're the key to stopping the Fire Nation and putting an end to this war. You're the Chosen One, Kireina. You're going to save us all."


To the commenters who understood the pebble reference- I love you guys. You crack me up every day in the comments and I just had to throw that into the story lmao

If you don't know what I'm talking about- read the comments on chapter "Born Again".

But anyway!!! Kireina is slowly starting to figure out what she is and what her purpose is but still doesn't know of the prophecy and her ties to Zuko! ;-)

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