Panic Attacks- Scarlett Johansson x Daughter! Reader

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warning: mentions of panic attacks, scarjo being a awesome mom, fluff

summary: you've always been a shy person. so, when the paparazzi get too close one day, you have a panic attack but luckily, your mom helps you

Ever since you were little, you have had problems going out in public. Your mom figured this out at a young age. So, she tried her hardest to keep you out of the public eye and try to give you a normal childhood.

You had a pretty good childhood but your social anxiety got worse as you got older. If you stepped out, you would cling to your mom and hide your face in her jacket.

One day, you had a burst of confidence and decided not to hide your face. Your mom had to go to the store to get more clothes. You tagged along because you needed more pants. You two walked down the street, you still linked with her arm. The paparazzi soon flooded you all. You wanted to hide your face but you decided not to. You had to be strong. "Y/n tell us, are you going to be an actress too?", "Are you seeing anyone?" , "Do you plan on going to college?" They were spewing questions left and right. You got so overwhelmed you started to hyperventilate and cry. Your mom noticed that you were having a panic attack and spoke up. "Can you guys leave us alone? If not, i can gladly make you. One call to my lawyer." At the mention of a lawyer, they all dispersed. She quickly pulled you aside and starting rubbing your back. "Ok, sweetheart. Name 5 things you see." You sniffed and looked up. "Um, streets, cars, people, dogs and lights." She nodded. "Great now 4 things you can hear." You sighed and closed your eyes. "Cars, cameras, shoes and dogs." She smiled at you. "3 things you smell." You smiled. "Coffee, Burgers and trash." You both laughed. "2 things you can touch." You smiled and held you your hand that was interlocked with hers. "Your hand and my jeans." She smiled. "Finally, 1 think you can taste." You closed your eyes. "I coffee i had this morning." She smiled and hugged you. "Thank you mom." You said . "You're very welcome. That's my job."

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