you'll always be my baby- Natasha Romanoff x Daugther! Reader

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Requested by wintersmckenna

Warning: mentions of injuries

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Warning: mentions of injuries

You and mother weren't always that close. Sure, you guys lived in the same house but you guys never connected like your friends did with their mothers. You guys would do the normal interactions and such. To be honest, it bothered you at times

Steve had given you a briefing on the mission you, him, Sam and Bucky were going on. You guys had to infiltrate hydra and stop them from creating a dangerous prototype. Your job was to disable the prototype after finding it. You guys arrived and got off the jet. They took care of the guards while you snuck away and tried to disable the prototype. In the middle of you disabling the prototype, guards stormed in and started shooting. You ducked and retaliated by grabbing the two guns in your gun holders and shooting every single one of them. Along the way, one of them shot you and the bullet entered your forearm. You shot him down and quickly disabled the prototype while wincing in pain. You rejoined the boys with the flash drive containing the disabled prototype for tony to take a look at. Steve was the first one to notice your wound and immediately started putting pressure on it. You didn't notice how pale or how much blood you lost until you felt light headed and fell into Steve's arms

You woke in your bed. You looked up and tried to sit up only to wince at the pain in your arm. "It's better for you to stay still for a while." You looked over and saw your mom sitting by the bed. She gave you a small smile, in which you returned. She sighed and ran her hand through her hair. "I'm sorry. For not being a fantastic mother. To be honest, I'm scared. I don't really know how to raise a kid. I don't think I could raise you correctly so I figured it would be best for me to be there but give you space to grow." You gave her a smile and held her hand. "You could never raise me wrong. Sure, you might have problems. Everyone does but you should learn to embrace them." She smiled and hugged you. "I love you, мое сердце. You'll always be my baby"

A/n: what do you guys think? i'll try to be more active on here so i'll get more done

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