Back From The Dead- Bucky Barnes x Reader

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warning: angst, mentions of death, sad! bucky:( and fluff near the end

summary: after hydra ambushed a shield mission you were sent on, everyone thinks the worst after you are no where to be found. but, after a year, you emerge again and bucky is confused
Fury had always counted on you to fo missions. You were like his 4th daughter after Natasha, Maria and Carol of course.

You had to go on a mission with Nat and Clint. You were supposed to find an agent that had been missing for a while. It was supposed to go smooth but apparently, hydra had other plans.
You guys were walking through the building when you heard a noise. You turned around and looked at natasha. "We have to leave." You guys started to walk quietly towards the exit. But then, agents popped out of nowhere. You looked at nat and clint and smiled. You guys started taking out agents left and right. Soon, it got too much for you to handle.

There were too many and the last thing you could remember is fighting and then black.
Natasha and Clint were confused when all the agents dispersed. Natasha looked around and saw that you were nowhere to be seen. "Y/n?" She looked around and started to panic. "Call fury."

Fury had almost every avenger and shield agent looking for you. He had no clue where to even start. He had them search every building in new york.

The only one that it was affecting more than him was bucky. You were his lifeline and he was terrified at what hydra could do to you.

After 5 Months, Fury had to call of the search and pronounce you dead. He came to the conclusion that hydra would not keep you alive this long and that they had most likely killed you.

Bucky got hit with the news the most. He didn't eat and sleep for days. He was just a shell of a person. Why did hydra take you? His lifeline. His sun, His life. They should've taken him. He should've been on that mission he could've saved you. He could still be able to hold you. He just wanted to hold you and you tell him it was gonna be ok.
After a year, everyone seemed to have handled the news better. Except for bucky. He still took it as hard as he did the heard the news. He thought it would get better but it never did.

One day, he was watching a boring tv show in the same clothes he had been wearing for 3 days. He heard a frantic knock on the door. Normally, if it was one of the avengers, they would just unlock the door and come to tell him to clean himself up because it's what you would've wanted and whatever.

The frantic knock came again. He sighed, pausing the tv show and slowly trudged to the door. Just before he opened it, he spoke, thinking it was steve and he forgot his key. "Steve, i don't wanna-" He opened the door and his eyes widened. He saw you. In the flesh. You were covered in dirt and scars but it was you. He just started at you. "Can i come in?" You held yourself because it was raining outside and you were soaked, running from hydra.

He stepped aside and let you in, running to get you a blanket. "How-what- we thought you were dead. i thought you were dead." You sighed. "I thought i was dead. They'd just beat me was so bad." You started to sob and he wrapped you in his arms. "I thought about you, that's what kept me going." He smiled, kissing your hair. "I missed you. You have no idea how much i missed you." He said, choking on a sob. You sniffed and cuddled closer to him. "I missed you more. Way more, buck."

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