its ok- Natasha Romanoff x Daugther! Reader

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warning- angst, endgame spoilers, mom! nat (my specialty) there no fluff, it's only angst sorry :(

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warning- angst, endgame spoilers, mom! nat (my specialty) there no fluff, it's only angst sorry :(

summary- after the snap, natasha had lost everything: her family, friends and others. the one thing she didn't lose was you. scott comes back with a plan but everything has a price, even happiness

words- 1553

Natasha could remember that day so clearly. She watched as everyone around her just disappeared into dust. He first reaction was her child: you.

You were also in wakanda, fighting thanos and his minions with your mother. She ran around, calling for you. She would walk past piles of dust, hoping it wasn't you. She walked back out onto the field and saw half of everyone. She did a quick once over and saw you stand up from the ground. She sighed, letting out a breath she didn't know she was holding. She ran across the field and engulfed you into a hug. "I'm so glad you're ok." She said, tears forming in her eyes. You looked around at the piles of dust, some being swept away by the gust of wind.

"What happened, mama?" You asked, your voice small and quivering. She looked around and let a tear slip. "I have no clue, моя любовь. We'll make it right, though. I know we will."

A few days passed and you all were no closer to bringing everyone back. Your birthday was the day after everyone got snapped. You didn't even want to have a party. You refused to get any gifts but, of course, your mom got you something. You felt guilty. Why did you have to get gifts when your family was killed? You guys should be trying to save them. A day or two later, you lose count when you don't sleep, a space alien lady came with tony and nebula who, surprisingly, stuck in space. It turns out steve had told her tony was in space.

She had brains. You guys managed to find out where thanos was because he had used the stones again. You guys set off to find him.

When you guys landed, carol, wrapped her in a headlock while you guys arrived. It turned out he had used them to destroy them. Thor wasn't having any shit from him and he sliced his head off. "What, i went for the head." Your eyes filled with tears, it's all over.


Years passed this time. About 5, you lost count. By this time, you were 22. You had lost the happiness to do anything really, it was like you were numb. Every year, your mom would try to throw you a tiny party, something to lift your spirits, but you just laid in bed.

Until, one day, a crazy dude waved at the entrance to the compound. They let him in and explained it was scott or ant man. He explained that he didn't get dusted because he was in the quantum realm. He said that we could do a back to the future type thing and get the stones, reverse the snap and return them.

When they were going over the stone, you took extensive notes. That night, when everyone fell asleep, you read about the most confusing stone to you: the soul stone. It's found on vormir and the price for it is another soul. You knew you had to be the one to sacrifice their soul. Everyone else had a purpose. You snuck back to your room and started to sleep but couldn't. If you were going to die, you might as well let your mother know. You grabbed a piece of paper from your dresser and a pencil and started writing. When you were finished, you smiled with tears in your eyes and folded it. You grabbed the pencil again and wrote her name on the top. You sighed and fell asleep.


When the day came, you laid the note on your pillow and ran out to get in the suits. "ok, you all know your goals. the stones." Your mom turned to steve. "See you in a minute." She said. She turned back to you and grabbed your hand. You smiled at her and everyone went their separate ways.


You, Clint and Natasha landed in vormir and climbed the mountain. When you got to the top, you saw a man in a good. He spoke up. "Natasha, daughter of Ivan. Clint, son of Edith. Y/n, daughter of Natasha" Your mom spoke up next. "Who are you?" He responded. "Consider me a guide. To you, and to all who seek the Soul Stone." "Oh, good. You tell us where it is. Then we'll be on our way." Your mom said. You looked at them. He guided you all to the cliff. "The stone is down there." Your mom said. Your heart rest quickened. "For one of you. For the other... In order to take the stone, you must lose that which you love. An everlasting exchange. A soul, for a soul." The three of you sat down on a log. "Whatever it takes." They both sais. "Tell my family i love them." Clint said. Your mom tackled him. "Tell them yourself. You saw this as an opportunity. You bolted only to be yanked back. "i don't think so!" Clint said. You swept your leg out and knocked him down. You ran over and tried to jump off the edge but your mom caught you causing you both to fall. Clint jumped down and grabbed her hand and shooting an arrow. He was holding on to natasha who was holding on to you. Natasha had tears on her eyes. "You're gonna love kid." Clint said, choking on tears. Natasha wrapped her hand around as you gave her a smile. "I love you. I do, mama. So much, please, don't forget me." Natasha sobbed. "You're gonna be next to me. You still have so much to live." You smiled through your tears and your fear. "I lived my journey. Part of it is the end." You kicked your leg off the rock, knocking your mom off balance and letting go of your hand. She screamed as she watched you fall and eventually land with a sicking crack. She hid her face in cried. Then, both of their visions went black.


When they woke up, they were in a puddle. Natasha looked in her hand and saw the soul stone. She looked up the sky and screamed. She had lost the one thing she had been living for.

Her and clint made the journey back, none of them saying a word to the other. Natasha was to busy staring at her hands. The hands that held her baby, the ones that failed her.


When they arrived back, everyone had their stones. Steve looked at Natasha and saw her bloodshot eyes. He looked to the spot next to her and saw you were missing. "Natasha, where's y/n?" At the mere mention of your name, she broke down. She fell on the ground crying. Clint tried to comfort her but she just screamed and cried. She had lost her will to live.


Bruce had been the one to make the snap. Just seconds after, the compound blew up. Natasha and clint were trapped together They fought their way out.

They had witnessed the portals and everyone come back. Natasha almost cried again. Her baby did this. "Avengers....assemble." Captain America yelled and everyone started to fight.

When thanos grabbed the gauntlet, Natasha thought it was all over. Her baby's death for nothing. But then, he snapped and nothing happened. Turns out tony had taken them. He said "i am iron man" and snapped.


Natasha and the others watched as tony slowly died, his finally words being "hey pep." They all took a kneel. Natasha cried. She had lost two people in a day.


At his funeral, she sat in the back, on a bench, looking at the sky. Carol walked up and cleared her throat. "Um, i found this is the rubble of the compound. It's for you." She looked at her hand and saw a note folded up with her name on it. She could recognize your handwriting. She started to tear up as she unfolded the letter and started to read it.

'Dear Mom,

Chances are, i'm not there with you. If i'm being completely honest, i knew one of us wouldn't come back from vormir. It had to be me. Think of it as every animal or flower has their time. Then, they wilt or die. I wish i could hug you and stop your tears. Trust me, i really wish i could but this is how it was meant to be. You have chances. I finally got to be a hero. You don't have to cry anymore. I'm ok, i'm happy. It's ok. I love you and i'm safe. I'll save a seat for you. I'm happy mommy. Don't cry, i'm right here. Always and forever

Love, your baby- Y/n Romanoff

She sobbed and looked up to the sky, smiling. You weren't there with her but you had tony. You both were happy. She would see you eventually. She would eventually get to hold her baby again. It would eventually be ok.

(ok, not gonna lie, i cried writing this)

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