My Assassin- Bucky Barnes x Reader

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(yes, like the song from tiktok

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(yes, like the song from tiktok. also, a lot of you guys have requested shang-chi and sadly, i was grounded and I didn't get to see it in theaters but don't worry, i shall use illegal websites )

warnings: some bad language, fights, john (gross), blood

word count: 968

requested: nope, just felt like getting back  in the groove

summary: during the fight with john for the shield, bucky gets worried about you and your ability to handle yourself. turns out, you can do just fine.

(takes place during falcon and the winter soldier)


Ever since John Mother-fucking Walker talked to Bucky on the car and eyed you up, he was on his shit list. I mean, he already was but he just amplified it, like times 5. Now, every time John talks to you, he seems to think that he has the right to look at you like a piece of meat in a corner store he walked past on the way there. If Bucky wasn't in therapy, he would pull another winter solider and blast that ass to the moon and let Steve deal with him.

The first time John verbally hit on you, you gagged. Sam looked at Bucky and had to literally hold him back from beating the last living breath out of John. 

The feeling escalated and the more crazier John got. Like, beating a guy to death with the shield in front of millions of people. That was the last straw. You guys were gonna get that shield back. 

The fight wasn't even a fight at all at first. The two were trying to talk some sense into john but he wasn't budging. That's when it got physical. John started it and was cheating for a hot minute. 

You just stayed on sidelines and let the two do their jobs. That was until the shield literally slid right to your feet. You remembered the first time Steve had let you throw his shield and how empowering it felt. You picked it up and saw John, nose dripping with blood, coming your way. Bucky grabbed his leg and pulled him down. "Leave her out of this, Walker!" He yelled and proceeded to punch him in the face with his metal arm. It didn't seem to faze John much and after almost throwing Bucky across the room, he stalked towards you. "Come on, y/n, you're a pretty, smart, girl. Give it to me." You looked down at the shield and at him. "Over my dead body." You scoffed. He raised his eyebrows in anger. "You're choice. We've could've been a power couple." He ran at you and made a move to punch you in the face but you ducked it and slid your leg out under his, knocking him off his balance. You proceeded to block a majority of his punches. You'd admit, he did get a good few. Your brain then clicked back into your red room training. Where you were born to kill. With nothing but your hands. "You should never learn to mess with an assassins with a kill count of 609." You ran over to him and jumped on his head, doing the infamous Natasha thigh take down. He managed to loosen up his leg and kicked you clear across the room. Bucky shot up and ran to go beat him up but Sam stopped him. "Hold on, i have a feeling she's gonna win." 

You did the super hero pose and when john came running to you, you took the shield and chucked it at him sending him flying backwards. You ran after him and grabbed the shield out of the wall. He picked up a pipe and swung it at you. You, of course, saw that coming and grabbed the pipe and kicked him where the sun doesn't shine. He proceeded to, while down, grab a knife bucky dropped and cut your cheek open. You turned to him, placing your hand on your cheek and staining your hand with the blood, and smirked at him. "Oh John, that was terrible." He got up and continued fighting with you, even though it was very clear he was loosing. Bucky and Sam were watching from the sides. "Looking strong John!" Bucky called out, smirking at him.

John, for some odd reason, had managed to get the upper hand on you and had his hands on your throat, chocking you. You grabbed a fistful of his hair and slammed his nose into the back of your head. He screamed and stopped chocking you to hold his bleeding nose. You grabbed his hair again and slammed his head into the concrete not once, or twice, but three times.

Sam walked over and put his hand on his neck. "Still has a pulse, surprisingly." You scoffed, while rubbing your injured neck and wiping your bloodied nose. "Wish he wasn't." Bucky walked over, well more like ran over, and did the infamous check up he always did to you after every battle. "Are you ok? That was so badass! Where did you learn to fight like that?" You looked up at him. "The red room. Me and Natasha were actually there around the same time and we escaped together." Bucky smiled. "My doll is a badass." You smirked. "You know, shield considers me more dangerous than Natasha. It's mostly because i won't hesitate to kill. I'm surprised I didn't kill him." You picked up the shield and the three of you walked out. You stopped for a second to turn to look at John. You smirked and flung some of your nose blood at him. "Go to hell, Walker."


a/n: i actually love this one omg. ok, i'm gonna update more frequently now :) 

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