For You, Mom- Scarlett Johansson x Daughter! Reader

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warning: mom! scarlett, a tiny, tiny bit of angst, mostly fluff

summary: while in quarantine, you can't seem to get along with colin and it hurts your moms feelings. so, you decide to try harder to get along with him and go out of your way to get along with colin and make your mom happy
You had been in quarantine with your mom and her fiancé for about 3 months. You guys rarely went out unless your mom really needed to get food.

You all would just sit and watch movies or play board games together. Well, you would try to play games and watch movie with them.

You didn't really get along with Colin. You didn't know what it was but you two just couldn't get along. You two would just bicker and bicker. Or, you would ignore him completely. Your mom had caught on a while ago on your attitude towards him. No matter how hard she tried, you two just couldn't click. She felt so bad that she couldn't figure out why you guys didn't get along. She felt like she had failed as a mother.
One day, she had called you both to watch another marvel movie with her. You knew colin was going to be there, well obviously he was, so you avoided the conversation. That was until your mom came to get you for the movie. "Hey y/n, baby, the movie is starting." You looked up from your book. "I think i'm just gonna read tonight." She sighed and gave you a sad smile. "Ok. Me and colin will be downstairs if you need us." She quietly closed the door and walked down the stairs. You tried to continue reading your book but you couldn't get her face out of your head. She looked so sad and she always tried so hard to make you happy. The least you could do is try to get along with colin.

You closed your book and quietly walked down the stairs. You saw your mom and colin watching the movie. You sighed and smiled. You were going to make her happy. You walked over and sat next to colin, which made him raise his eyebrow. "Hey kiddo.....what's going on with you?" You looked over at him and smiled. "Nothing much, just wanted to watch the movie." He cast a confused look to your mom who looked just as confused as he was. "Why are you sitting by me?" He asked. You looked up at him and smiled. "I want to get to know you. I mean, your obviously gonna be around for a while." He smiled and held his hand out for a high five and you took it. Your mom smiled. Her two favorite people  finally getting along.

Later, you tried to teach them the savage dance from tiktok. "No colin! your hips go left then right! Watch my mom!" She started laughing.

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