Chapter 4

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( magcon house in picture box)
Zayda's p.o.v
I woke up with a pounding head, fuck.
Wait where the hell am I?
I looked around and I was in a really awesome room but it wasn't mine. (Go back to the last 2 chapters to see the room)
I walked down stairs holding my head when I heard "who are you?"
I looked up and saw a boy with brown hair and blue eyes and looked about my age.
"No, who are you?" I said raising my voice.
"I asked first," he smirked. Smart ass.
"I'm Zayda, now who are you?" I asked walking all the way down the stairs into the connected kitchen.
"Hayes, Hayes Grier. Your probley a fan that snuck through the window right?" He asked making me confused.
"Oh I get it your some rich kid that has his head so far up his ass he thinks he has fans," I said with sass.
"Oooooo Hayes just got told!" Said a boy walking into the kitchen. He looked the same as Hayes but older.
"Why am I here?" I asked while Hayes rolled his eyes. I'm like so close to kicking him in the balls.
"Oh I'm Matts room mate, same as Hayes, he took you here after you got knocked out." Nash said.
"Oh so where is Matt?"
"MATT! SHES AWAKE!" Nash yelled.
I heard feet thumping down the stairs to be engulfed in a huge hug by Matt.
"I have some great news!" He said pulling away.
"I adopted you! Technically we would be more of a brother and sister though. So welcome Zayda Espinosa to your house!"
"Wait!? Seriously?!" Oh my god this is insane I have a family.
I pulled him into another hug with tears brimming my eyes.
"Wow...she went from totally bitch to a loving human being in seconds," Hayes said which made me mad as hell.
I pulled away from my hug and approached Hayes.
"Let me go!" I yelled being held back by Nash and Matt.
I got out of their grip and sat on the counter. If I'm living with Hayes I shouldn't hit him on my first day living here.
"So wanna meet the guys?" Matt asked. Wait guys, there's more oh lord kill me now.
"Sure" I said through a fake smile.
Matt called everyone down and 7 guys came down stairs.
"Guys this is Zayda Espinosa my little sister, Zayda this is Shawn, Glinsky, Johnson, Aaron, Carter, Cameron, Taylor."
"Woah when you said your friends with Shawn Mendes you weren't kidding."
"Wait you know who I am?" Shawn asked.
"Yea your music is awesome," I smiled.
"Oh hey I know who you are! Your that singer on YouTube called fiercebutfake right?" Carter asked.
"Yeah," I responded quietly looking down.
"Wait you sing?" Matt asked. I nodded shyly.
"Sing us something!" Shawn said.
"I don't know..." I trailed off.
"Come one please for your brother," Matt pleaded with puppy dog eyes.
"Fine do you have a piano?"
"In the living room," Taylor said leading the way.
I walked into the living room and found a grand piano. I sat on the bench and began playing the cords for Nightingale. ( song in media box thing.)


".....sing to me, I know your there," I sang finishing the song.
"Well damn," said Carter which caused me to laugh.
"Well we better tell you exactly how being my sister is going to work," Matt started


After a while Matt told me about his fame and about lying to his fans.
I was a little skeptical at first but agreed.
I learned a lot of things about the guys and Magcon.
Apparently I have to go on tour with them and I have to make a sibling tag with Matt for his YouTube channel.
Overall it was a great day other than Hayes being annoying. Not to mention my amazing room.
Anyways I'm going to bed so goodnight hoes.
K bye

Adopted By MagconOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant