Chapter 10

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Crippling shots slice through the crawlers already battered walls, bringing the men to their senses as they duck under the ever increasing water level. Gibson takes this as his opportunity, launching himself onto the man with the rifle, he kicks him hard in the face, the man falls back, screaming, knocking the rest of them over.
"No stop" isabelle cries at a struggling Gibson.
The crawler starts to lean, its water-full hull sloshing about. She falls against Tommy as they tumble to the side
"She floats" the seaman screams, almost triumphantly.
"Start the bloody engine" alex snaps
Tommy hears the roar of the engine and then a jolt as the water washes the ground from under him, knocking him flat on his face. The fire comes harder, and from all sides.
"Plug the holes" a man cries, Tommy doesn't get time to discover who. Gasping heavily, he pushes against the wall of water, forcing his fingers into the holes, the others do the same. He can barely keep his head above the water, gasping he plunges into the water to avoid the onslaught of bullets, coming up he can barely find the surface in between the water level and the roof, it's at his chin, lower lip, upper lip, nose.
"Abandon ship" the Dutch sailor cries.
Without looking back, Tommy pulls his exhausted waterlogged body up the rungs. Standing, on the sinking ship, he notices a large British destroyer, 100m or so, from where he was. He would have to swim.

Isabelle gaspes at the last little pocket of air inside the trawler, pulling her head under the surface she notices that most of the men are already out. Her mind immediately flicks to Tommy, where was he? But she can't spot him in the gloomy water. He must have already got out.
With that thought anchoring her confidence, she desperately takes a final breath as the hull completely fills, and kicks her legs, frantically trying to save herself. Black liquid surrounds her, pushing her back away from the ladder. She was so close, too close.
Tommy splutters and coughs, the sea was far choppier than he had expected and the waves constantly whipped him around, battering him, sucking him bellow. If he hadn't been wearing the life jacket, well he didn't like to think about it.
Nevertheless, he continues forward towards the destroyer, he was so close, he hadn't believed it before, but he was going to get home. His body relaxes slightly, as the adrenaline slowly stops racing through his veins. Tommy is pulled out of survival mode for just enough time for him to get into another panic. Isabelle. Where was she? In all the pullaver he'd forgotten about her. How could he do that? Guilt swarms around him like a flock of bees. She was most likely drowning inside that boat. He watches horrified as the trawler is carried under the waves. A tear runs down his cheek he'd liked her more than he could ever admit. Now she was gone,  she'd trusted him. More tears sting his eyes, then roll hopelessly down his face and mix with the sea.
"I hope those tears aren't for me" a familiar voice chuckles for behind him.
A huge grin cracks across Tommy's face, his head whips around to see her genuinely smiling at him.
"Nah, I'm just worried about what my mum will do when I tell her I cocked up 2 ships" he responds smirking.
At that Isabelle laughs, a laugh he hadn't heard since he left, happy and wholehearted. It fills him with relief.
Unfortunately, it's short lived. As usual the pair barely manage a couple of happy seconds together before the piecing hum of the Luftwaffe shot through the air, as a tiny black speck grows larger and larger. All the decks of the grey beast begin to scream as the plane lurches closer. There was nothing Isabelle could do.
"Get away from the ship Tommy" she yells, swimming back aghast.
He hadn't heard her and was still continuing towards the destroyer. What was he thinking? She gazes in horror as the bombs tumble down. Collums of fire erupt out of the ship.
At the last moment Tommy's head turns towards her, he smiles.
"Tommy" she whispers, and the explosion steals him.

"NO, TOMMY" she screams, her arms flailing. Her throat raw and cheeks stinging she pulls herself towards the wreckage desperately. She wanted to save him. He might still be alive.
"Miss" someone shouts at her
"Miss, stop"
She was furious, who dared try to stop her save him, her head snaps round ready to spit in the mans face.
Collins stares at the girl floating in the water next to the yacht. There was something unexplainably familiar about her. He couldn't quite put his finger on it. She was watching something, he assumed it was the destroyer, he looks down to hoist a man out, he's dark haired with a muscled chest. Collins struggles to lift him onto the deck. A huge boom rings in his ears as a wave of heat makes him stagger back, tripping over some of the men in the process.
"No, no, come on Farrier" he mutters regaining his balance. Eyes paining from the heat he glances at the ship, a large hole in the deck was sprouting flames, which were slowly consuming its entirety. The German plane was victoriously circling back, preparing to sink it's vicious teeth into its prey again.
"Come on Farrier" he repeats
Upon looking back at the girl he notices that she's swimming frantically towards the flaming ship. Oil and wreckage cover her path. What was she doing.
"Miss, stop" he cries desperately she was going to get herself killed.
Men were being pulled on board all around him, grunting thanks and then packing themselves tighter than sweets in a pick'n mix. If she didn't hurry up there'd be no room.
Isabelle's head flies round furiously, expecting to see some cowardly pig, but instead her eyes catch onto a fairly small pleasure craft, only perhaps 30 foot in length. Men cover the slippery deck, while others are ushered bellow. And at the starboard side a man leans over the bulwark. His blonde hair curls in the gust as he extends his hand to her.
"Collins" she shrieks. He was still alive, she couldn't believe it. Momentarily forgetting about Tommy she splashes towards him.
"Collins, oh my god, Collins",
He pulls her out of the water grinning ear to ear.
"How, hh what" she stutters gaping at her friend. His blue eyes gleam mischievously as his warm arms wrap around her and she nestles under his chin. It is only as she is cloaked in his warm arms, that Tommy's beautiful face floats to her mind. As if her heart had collapsed, she falls to the deck. A wounded soldier groans as she lands on him, but the dense fog of agony clings to her eyes and ears and she doesn't notice him, tears saltier than the crashing waves around the craft pour from her paralysed eyes.
"T-tommy " her trembling lips manage,
Collins watches in horror as the girl collapses at his feet.
"Izzy" he howls "Izzy"
Tears race down her pale skin, staining the area around the sockets a deep scarlet. He shakes her shoulders but they are limp, detached from her mind. Those young blue eyes gaze meaningless to the sky, a dark tint of war glazes over them. Then they flicker shut.
Wow I haven't posted in ages sorry, I've just had so much schoolwork and literally no free time, bet you guys can relate 😂😭
Anyways hope you like it so far I'll get more up soon
Sabine xxx

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