Chapter 8

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Isabelle climbs the rungs and jumps into the hull, to her surprise she lands softly and she doesn't create a hullabaloo of clanging and crashing. Inside the crawler, it was dark, the only light fell through a small hatch in the roof, but it was enough to make out a few boxes, possibly of supplies, that ran against the walls. The dripping of saltwater from the bars that kept the deck from falling on them onto the metal floor echoes, but very quietly. Overpowering salty scents singe at her nostrils.
"The owners ain't here" a clumsy highlander calls from behind her. A few cheers of delight erupt. How can they be so stupid, Isabelle wonders astonished, they needed the owners to set sail.
"So what do you think" Tommy whispers from behind her, seemingly the only one smart enough to keep his voice down.
"It's not British design" he continues
"French, Belgian perhaps" he frowns in thought.
"I'm impressed" she says smiling, somehow his intelligence was making him even more attractive, what was he doing to her? Just the way he sexily whispered into her ear, his lips a fraction of a centimeter away from her skin, made her heart flutter. They sit next to one of the crates. Men chatter around them and eventually fall asleep, just before she nods of Isabelle leans into Tommy and murmurs into his ear.
"It's Dutch"
Tommy is unjustly awakened an hour or so later by loud clashing and clanging that seems to reverberate throughout the whole hull. He initially assumes they must be under attack and his body tenses, causing him to spring to his feet in panic, the men around him stare at Tommy  in alarm. After looking around he realizes Alex was creating the racket by going through the crates. Relaxation gently eases through his body, his taught chest softens as his breath slows. He doesn't fully settle though, he couldn't, not while there was a war over their heads.
"Alright mate" a highlander calls. calm slickly gives way to embarrassment.
"Yeah" Tommy says, still slightly jumpy.
He sits back down next to isabelle making sure he gave Alex a not so discreet dirty look. Isabelle glances over him in concern
"Great now you all think I'm shell shocked" he mumbles miserably. She lets out a small laugh; it fades all too quickly
"Do you dream?" She asks solemnly
"Of the war"
"No" he responds, he knew the nightmares would break him, every night he pushed them away, forcing the bad thought out of his mind. It had become a well trained skill, an instinct
"I do" she whispers ominously, she turns away from him, he watches as her eyes glaze over, focusing on one point on the steel hull but he knew that wasn't what she was seeing, he touches her hand gently, she shakes her head, closing her eyes.
Tensing her jaw she turns, her red eyes face him, he can't imagine what she'd seen. A small smile forms in her cheeks and the wild look is gone.
"Are you okay" Tommy asks confused and worried, his eyes wide with concern.
"Is anyone?" She sadly responds. Tommy contemplates this, as he sits watching isabelle and Alex argue over the crates, and who gets what. He wonders if he'll ever be the same, or if the lighthearted, joyous Tommy died with the rest. He is ripped from his thoughts a few minutes later as what sounds like footsteps clang through the deck, a wave of silence ripples through the highlanders; the footsteps were growing closer to the hatch. No one moves, it was as if all the breath in the room had stilled. As far as Tommy was concerned it was only one man, but one jerry was one more than he could have hoped for. While all the men were frozen in fear Isabelle had faintly crept up to the ladder and ducked behind it, Tommy watches as she draws a pistol from her boot, she aims it through the rungs. She'd been armed the whole time and Tommy hadn't even noticed, he guesses that was the bloody point of concealing it. A foot steps on the top rung as the body of which begins to lower through the hatch, another foot descends into the hole hitting the lower rung. Why wasn't she shooting him? His eyes bulge at her in panic. She places her gun back into her boot. "Unarmed" she mouths. Tommy nods and creeps towards the ladder, his pulse accelerates he really hopes she was right about him being unarmed, the man was almost at the bottom, anytime now he would see Isabelle crouched behind the ladder. Now! he thinks, no wait, Now! He lunges snakelike grabbing the man to the floor. He flails and screams kicking Tommy hard where it hurts, Tommy hunches over grimacing from the pain. Alex rushes over and pins the mans arms while the highlanders cover his mouth and legs.
"You alright mate" alex chuckles
"I've been better" Tommy moans, he pulls himself back up, his body still throbbing. He finds Isabelle at his side. She grins and slaps him on the back
"good" she says smiling evilly
"You'll be needing those, love"
Damnnnn 🥵
I know I wrote this but I still love them ❤️❤️
Hope you're enjoying, and a fun fact as always!
It's illegal to die in the Houses of Parliament 🧐🤨.

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