Chapter 13

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Air. Saline, yes, passing through his raw, stinging bronchus, yes. But it was air, air not water, oil or fire. He'd survived. Through his eyes the sky above, awash with mettled pink twists and contorts. A few more blinks and it becomes apparent that it wasn't the sky nor indeed a star but a girl. A layer of fog obscures the image as her pale lips part for a split second to purr his name.
So entranced by her soft familiar voice he begins to sit up, but immediately the blood is sucked out of his face and his head spins feverishly. Hands press him back into the deck, but stubbornly he resists. As he struggles against the cage of fingers, the fog begins to lift. He was so close.
"Tommy" a voice yells from the stern
"Jesus, dad it's Tommy" a flash of blonde hair and Isabelle is shoved to the side. Violently, Peter rattles Tommy's shoulders, spurting out emotional nonsense as he did so.
Isabelle watches contented as the boys embrace, Mr Dawson chuckles from behind her. Here in the midst of war and destruction, they lived and breathed as a family, dependant on one another. As Tommy's soft salubrious gaze locks on hers, she wonders, would they ever accept her?
As Peter weeps into his shoulder, Tommy sheepishly glances around at the rows of men on deck, then he spots her. Her bedraggled blonde hair curling around the faded pink fabric of her cheekbones. A smile winds out from the corners of her lips as their eyes meet.
"Izzy" he breathes, dumbstruck.

She chuckles as he surges towards her. With outstretched arms he pulls her slight figure into his warm, wet chest. His sharp jawline perched on the haven of her bony shoulder and hers on his. As the wind dances around their entwined forms, he flutters his dark eyelashes shut, wistfully inhaling her delicate scent. She smelt like... home.
"T-oh-mmy, I c-can't bre-eathe" Isabelle stammers.
"Oh sorry" he mutters, peeling his breakneck grasp of her back. He steps back embarrassed, his gaze turned to the floor. Desperately trying to distract himself, he begins to tally up all the holes in his tan, shapeless boots.
Isabelle laughs at his flustered expression, he looks up just in time to feel her silky fingers graze his chin. He stands transfixed, studying the stormy sea swirling in her eyes. She leans closer, her warm breath burning his cheeks a blush pink. Wringing his sweaty palms, he remembers to breathe. With a sharp inhale, his heart somersaults in his chest. As if out of instinct, his eyes close anticipating her heavenly lips on his, waiting, waiting, but they never come.
He blinks back to reality, to feel a light peck burn into the space below his cheekbone. Bemused, he studies her face desperately searching for leaks of affection.

"Tommy" she moans lifting her head up and nestling her face within his jacket, "I thought I'd never see you again". Sighing deeply, Tommy racks his brain for a reply, when nothing comes to mind he just hugs her closer, closer to him, further from the horrors of the war they'd been pulled into.

As she snuggled into Tommy's warm but waterlogged jacket, an abrasively loud wolf-whistle, pierces Isabelle's ears. Like a baby bird, she squints her eyes open, to see..
"Alex?" Isabelle falters, staring at the tall dark man before her. Alex smirks in response, suggestively raising an eyebrow at her.
"Didn't manage to drown then, did ya" Tommy teased, unhooking his arm from her waist and slapping Alex brotherly.
"Try harder, next time" Isabelle rolls her eyes, averting her gaze from the two men, who she was sure had never been friends before.
"Love you too Izzy" Alex laughs, beside him Tommy stiffens but still manages a convincing chuckle.
"Cmon", "let's sit" say Alex yawning.

They make their way, to the bow, away from the crowds, and it came as no surprise to Isabelle when Alex fell asleep almost instantly. His snoring, grimy body effortlessly shattering the romantic atmosphere.
As the rolling, chalky hills emerged from behind behind the horizon, she leans her heavy head onto his shoulder. Despite, the exhausting ombré of coral pink and bright orange, Isabelle is determined to stay awake, she wouldn't miss a minute of this.
"Mmm" Isabelle mumbles softly into his uniform.
"My lips are so chapped"
Tommy tips his head towards her, his infinite hazel eyes gazing into hers. As her heart pounds furiously in a desperate attempt to escape her ribcage, a smirk plasters its way across his face.
"I can fix that" he whispers "if you like"

Yep, we're back people, sorry for the really really long delay 😬😬.

I was wondering whether I should finish the story here. It's just so perfect, they've found each other, they're safe and happy. Idk let me know what you think. (I can always write a sequel 🤪😉)
Fun fact: the Earl of sandwich ( John Montagu 1700s) apparently invented the sandwich so he wouldn't have to leave his gambling table to eat.
^ and now we have pb&j, what a guy 😂😂.
Anywayz don't forget to vote and comment.
Sabine xxx

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 16, 2021 ⏰

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