Chapter 4

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As she goes Tommy's heart sinks, he was so gutted. he couldn't understand how he was so attached. It takes him a while to come to his senses, he realizes that the most important thing for him now was to get home, back to sweet sweet blighty, even if it ment jumping the queues. He gazes back at the pile of wrecked stretchers, for inspiration. One of the stretchers is shaking, he gives it a closer look and spots the man who'd pulled him away from the bomb earlier, trying to lift it.
Tommy rushes over to help the man who was obviously struggling. The man shoots Tommy a look and immediately he understands what the lad was trying to do. They pick up the stretcher and run. Heaving and panting, their burning legs sprint as they aim for the small ship that's still docked. Tommy doesn't see a ship, to him that boat represents home and he was going to get there.
The mole was long, nearly a mile Isabelle guessed, but now she was reaching the end, she knew the minute she stepped of that ship, they'd send her back in a spitfire. "It's depressing, but it's true" she murmurs to herself. As she walks the men around her part, as if she were some sort of god. She doesn't like it, she was no more important than any of them. As she reaches the ship the admiral recognizes her RAF uniform and tells her to go bellow to rest.
"Are you sure sir" she questions the fairly short old man.
"These men were first"
"Of course, we saw the crash, you must be knackered, these men can wait"
Isabelle couldn't find the strength to protest. In exhaustion she plods over the jetty and onto the ship. Nobody bothers her at first as she tries to go bellow deck, until a stout bossy looking nurse waddles up to her.
"Plenty of men upstairs to help, dear"
"Make yourself useful" she commands handing Isabelle a package of nursing supplies, and waddling of.
"But miss, I don't know.." Isabelle begins but is cut of by a sharp tut from the lady.

Skeptically she re-emerges on deck, just as the sun beams out from behind a cloud, forcing her to blink hastily, until her eyes adjust. A few men were shooting her odd looks, she couldn't blame them seeing as she'd probably just looked like a chicken. Besides those men, who were in injured there were no other men to help.  Nurses covered the deck, all attending to a different patient. She scanned the area but there was simply no one treat.
"What an awful shame" Isabelle sighed sarcastically, she was about to kick back and relax when the last stretcher was brought on board. Groaning she gets up to tend to the man, who has taken several bullet wounds to the chest and is very much outside her medical capacity.
"Urgh" she moans, frustratedly frowning at the men who brought the stretcher on board. The captain of the ship was giving them a right bollocking.
"Off, for the umpteenth time, get off"
One of the men turns around and stares at her in panic. Her heart skips a beat.
"Tommy" she whispers
She watches as the man pushes Tommy and his friend of the jetty and onto the mole. Regarding Tommy helplessly, a tear escapes her eyes. His pretty face stares at the wooden planks beneath him as he trods of, his mouth alone radiates his despair. Isabelle's heart aches. He has her and everyone else fooled until in the blink he peeks his head under the banister of the mole, drops down the ladder inaudibly and ducks behind one of the support poles. Isabelle chuckled lightly, she couldn't hide how much she liked the boy.
Thoughts of him fill her mind, she imagines herself running her hands through that tangled curly hair. A sigh escapes her lips dreamily.
"oi missy a little help please" the injured man she was supposed to be aiding exasperatedly cries.
"Yes, yes sorry"
She snaps out of her trance and starts faffing about with bandages and gauze, silently scolding herself for acting like such a girl.
I know it's really short, I promise that next one'll be longer xx
Fun fact: a lions roar can be heard 5 miles away
Sabine xxx

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