Chapter 3

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"Drop 'er here boys" the lead medic instructs
"What!" Tommy exclaims "we've got to get her to that ship" he points past the long lines of blank faced soldiers and to the mole, where a medical ferry was docked ready to transport the wounded to the destroyers.
"There's countless stretchers, just because she's a woman doesn't mean we'll prioritize her" he scoffs
Tommy looks down in shame, men with life threatening wounds lie helplessly on stretchers, blood pouring uncontrollably out of their gashes, while he's fussed about a girl he doesn't even know.
"Sorry mate, I'm sure you know your onions"
The older man nods, then he and the rest of his team plod of in the direction of the pier. Tommy is left standing aimlessly in the sand, he guesses he should try to find his regiment, but there were so many lined up on the sand and he felt strangely attached to the girl he had saved. Affectionately, he kneels down and strokes a strand of hair back behind her face.
Upon feeling eyes on his back he gets up and trudges away, silently scolding himself for getting so attached. 5 steps in to his grand search for his division he hears it. The distinct hum would almost be annoying if he hadn't learnt to fear it so wholly. Burying his head into the sand, he hopes beyond hope that he won't get hit, vibrations ripple through the beach, shaking his already quivering body. With each bomb the sounds get closer, he really didn't want to die, just as he sensed the next bomb dropping a firm hand grips his arm and drags him away. Startled Tommy looks back at where he had been laying, now there was nothing more than a large ditch.
"Ch-cheers" he mumbles glancing up at his rescuer. A man, possibly 25 with black hair frowns at him then nods and walks of towards where the first bomb was dropped. Tommy stares at him in confusion, but feels obliged to follow. It takes Tommy a few minutes to realize where the man is actually going, ahead hundreds of stretchers lay toppled or cracked, their patients sprawl across the beach. How could he forget her?
Isabelle shivers, she wasn't dead, death was supposed to be peaceful, this certainly wasn't. All around she heard antagonizing screams, there were men everywhere scuffling about trying to help the injured. It was a bad idea. Pressing herself up she immediately felt the blood drain out of her face, groaning she forced herself to think. Why was it a bad idea? She knew it was, but she just couldn't put her finger on it. Fortunately, the reason didn't take long to arrive. At the sound of the engine her pilot skills kick in.
"Back, get back" she hollers to all the in injured men. She knew exactly where the pilot wanted to drop that bomb, and she was going to ensure there was nothing there. As she glances around to confirm all the men had listened, she spots the man from earlier, her heart stops, he would try to save her, she couldn't let him. Her consolable smile does nothing to subside his look of horror. Sighing to herself, she begins to focus, there were more important things than him at the moment. The bomber closes in on its target, she could sense the pilots anticipation. Grabbing a pistol she ducked underneath the belly of the beast and placed a few shots in the engines. The plane splutters and smoke billows out but the bomb hatch still opens, desperately she shoots at the gap. The payload tumbles out of the hatch, the pistol clicks and clicks in alarm. It's still falling, right down towards her. Continually, shooting she curls up. Her facial muscles tense anticipating the pain. Then instantaneously something dark covers her from a wave of heat. In panic she looks up an sees a bright spark, her eyes sting. That was the only thing that was stopping her from crying. She relaxes back into the sand, when the thing on top of her begins to move. Embarrassed, she realizes that it's a man. As he pulls himself of her, Isabelle recognizes the lad.
" you saved me, again" she laughs.
" you saved all of us" he says in awe.
Around them men cheer and pump their fists.In the distance the German plane's wreckage smokes through a hole in a house roof. Isabelle had never felt so relived, she grins at the men around her, trying to stay modest as they slap her on the shoulder. She could not believe that the bullets had set of the bomb.
" that was bloody blinding, missy" an older bloke praises.
Smiling at him she struggles through the sea of men, to locate the boy who'd saved her in all the commotion they'd become separated. Eventually she spots his dark curls over the crowd, just as she reaches him the men split back into their lines leaving the pair exposed.
"Oh hey" Tommy says awkwardly
"Hi" she whispers dreamily
They were very close, Tommy could feel the body heat coming off her
"I don't know your name" she questions
Tommy just stares at her, trying to remember his own name.
"Uhh,um, Tommy" he stutters nervously
"I'm Isabelle"
Then it all clicks, he recalls what he'd read in the papers. Isabelle Gates: the first female RAF pilot."Her skills in a spitfire lay unmatched by those of her colleagues" Lord Dowding had said.
"I-I read about you" he mumbles
She nods modestly and looks down at her boots.
"Listen Tommy I'd love to stay and chat, but I've got to get back in the air"
Tommy stares into her eyes sadly, he really wanted to get to know her.
"Are you sure you'll survive the walk to the mole" he says in an attempt to break the silence.
Laughing she winks at him.
"I'll be alright don't you worry"
They r soo cute together omg 🥰🥰
I literally just complemented myself didn't I 😂😂.
Don't worry they won't be apart for too long, I couldn't stand that either.
Fun fact: 7% of American adults think that chocolate milk comes from brown cows 🐄.
Hope that lightens up your day
Sabine xxx

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