Chapter 5

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Tommy's mind races, the ship would be leaving in a couple of minutes and they still hadn't found a way on. Cautiously him and the other man, who's tag Tommy had read to say Gibson, slide themselves around the slanted supports. They just couldn't find an area where it was close enough to jump onto the side. His panicked thoughts did nowt to subside as his ears caught the dull hum of an aircraft. It wasn't the RAF. Blocking out the alarms and dire screams around him, Tommy pushes his body into the metal structure, sheltering as much of himself as possible. Maybe he wasn't brave but he was going home, the thought circulates in his mind, he shuts out Dunkirk and the war, he isn't there it isn't happening. Eventually, he assumes it's safe, fluttering his eyes open he watches smoke billowing out of the ship and plane alike.
Isabelle must have hit it
Isabelle must have hit it
"Isabelle!" He screams aghast, where was she? Shouting soldiers litter the water, all desperately trying to reach the pier. In the chaos he can't find her, to make matters worse the ship that was sinking had been tied loose, and the current was pushing it towards the mole. It was going to crush him and all of the soldiers. Tommy grabs the nearest support pole and slides himself past it frantically trying to escape the nearing boat. Legs burning, he gets out of the way, he relaxes slightly until he hears a woman's bloodcurdling scream, snapping his head around he sees her; a young nurse struggling to escape the ever narrowing channel between the mole and the boat. She was swimming fast and there was a look of crazed determination on her face but there was no way she'd make it. No, this isn't right he thinks to himself, outstretching his hand, he drags her out of the way. From the motion she falls onto his chest, embarrassed he pushes her off but once he realizes who she was he instantly wishes he hadn't.
"Izzy" he exclaims in delight
His eyes fix on the beautiful, wet, panting girl in front of him. Her face was like a stone, unmoving her eyes showed no emotion. it was as if she didn't know him
" thank you" she acknowledges him
"Merci, vous ne vous en sortirez pas" she mumbles to Gibson. Tommy's stares at Gibson in confusion his mind wizzes, was that French he'd just heard? She spoke French? And why would she speak French to Gibson?
Shaking his head, he follows her to the ladder, why was he so curious, it wasn't like any of this mattered in the slightest.
She puts her hands on the rungs, he notices that they were still burnt and calloused from the crash.
"How are your hands" he asks
"They sting" she replies coldly without turning her head.
He didn't understand why she was acting like this, in a stupid way it was hurting him a lot.
As she begins to hoist herself up the admirals head peers over the banister.
"Gates, lads let's find you another ship"
He beams. His happiness confuses Tommy even more. He turns back to the ladder to find Isabelle staring at him.
" dunk yourself" she hisses forcefully. Tommy gets her meaning and falls back into the sea, closely followed by Gibson.

Once they were on the small boat and nearing the destroyer, Tommy views Isabelle's tight shoulders and clenched fists relax, the only colour around them was grey. Grey filled the minds and souls of all the men on that boat. Steady taps of rainwater hit the metal helmets, a chorus, one that should be played at a funeral, or possibly something more downcast. They climb onto the destroyer. As the soldiers descend into the beast, Gibson breaks of and stays on deck. It alarms Tommy.
"What happened to him" Tommy asks isabelle once they're inside
"You know Tommy, you just don't want to say it"
"I don't blame you" she mumbles between bites of toast
"Plus there's no wood in here to tap once you say it"
"True" he agrees frowning.
She laughs a little, telling Tommy she's off for more toast. He watches her as she walks off, obsessively checking that she was indeed heading straight for the nearest counter and not getting sidetracked. Her behavior baffles him, she could change in the blink of an eye. He hopes she wasn't shell shocked.
"You've got it bad mate" a voice from behind startles Tommy.
He relaxes when he sees it's the man that Gibson pulled out of the water.
" is it that obvious" Tommy groans
The man nods, his dark hair bobbing over his young face, he couldn't be much older than Tommy, but a lot taller and stronger.
"I wouldn't recommend her" he states
" I'm Alex by the way"
"Tommy, what d'you mean" Tommy asks.
A smirk forms over Alex's face.
" she's not all that maiden-like, more of a man than a woman" Tommy finds this a bit rude, but he understands his meaning.
"When did you break up" Tommy adds with a hint of jealousy.
"A year ago, give or take" he mutters carelessly. The bloke just seemed like a bit of an arse to Tommy, he longed to be talking to isabelle. He got his wish sooner than he'd expected, a light tap on his shoulder startles him, he spins around almost spilling his tea in the process.
She laughs at his crazed expression
" I got you more toast" she says handing him another slice. Isabelle grins as he wolfs it down, this was probably more food that he'd eaten since coming to Dunkirk, and it wasn't like she was bothered about his manners. Her lighthearted expression subsides as she recognizes the man Tommy was chatting to, her eyes narrow in furry as her mouth scowls in disgust. For a few moment she stood, her stare harder than bricks, then she lunges, hasty like a snake, but it stung, brutally.
What do you think of Alex?
I kinda made him an arse, but I promise he'll get nicer
Don't hate me 😂
Fun fact: baby spiders are called spiderlings 🕷
Urghhh i hate spiders

Entwined- Dunkirk fanficOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora