Chapter 6

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Alex almost cries as his cheek begins to bleed. Isabelle wasn't interested, quite frankly he hadn't been when she begged him to stay. She didn't want to be on the same ship as that arse, but she would have to make do with the other side of the ship.
"I think you might have deserved that" Tommy laughs
"I do" alex states quietly. Tommy's previous annoyance for the man dissipates instantly, he could tell Alex still cared about her.
"Oh I'm sorry, mate" he realizes he'd miss judged Alex.
"You're alright" Alex murmurs
"It's the war, it changes people, one minute I'm myself then the next I've changed" he explains. Tommy nods, he completely understands from the countless times he'd thought he lost himself at Dunkirk. He doesn't want to think about it instead his mind clouds with better thoughts. As Isabelle leans against the inside of the steel monster old memories slowly float back to the surface. She had been overwhelmed by her love for him, by him, that love turned into grief and anger, now hate. The beautiful world she'd tirelessly built around them, he'd destroyed it in seconds, it came crashing down on her, only her. She pushes her emotions back down inside her, to some forgotten place, stubbornly refusing to feel anything for him. It was easy she'd done it so many times before. She was so hollow she doesn't even notice the men's screams around her, until the dark cold water surrounds her. Being in the darkness awakens an instinct inside her, she was a pilot, sent to save the British army at all costs, these were British soldiers, well apart from one. It was her duty to help. Kicking her legs she pushes the drowning men towards the exits avoiding flailing arms and legs all around her, water gushes out of the exit, pulling her towards it, desperately she fights the stream, she had to save more men, her muscles were going limp, and her body began to jutter in panic, her lungs burned, there were still hundreds of men floating lifelessly in the darkness, she had to save herself. Isabelle floats through the hatch, the water breaking around her mouth as she gasps for air. Muscles throughout her body sting from the lack of oxygen. As she calms down she notices that no more men are coming up. A hand floats at the surface, as it's owner is carried down just out of reach. She grabs the mans arm before he's pulled down. Groaning she lifts him to the surface. His handsome tanned face is pale and unmoving. A tear rolls down her cheek, stinging her burns more than the salt water enclosing her. Gently she places a kiss below the mans black curls, his hazel eyes lie closed seeming so peaceful, painless. She refuses to believe it. Tommy was going home, she wouldn't let him die. She needed him.
Treading water she grabs his arm and tows him to a lifeboat.
"He's unconscious you have to let him onboard" she shouts in between breaths of seawater
"Sorry miss, it's full" a soldier smirks at her,
"Get your arse of then""I don't see you unconscious and dying"
She couldn't understand why people were so selfish.
"I apologize, but first come first served unfortunately" an officer remarks
"Then I very much regret saving you, sir" she replies, spitefully letting go of the boat. Eventually the next lifeboat came, Isabelle climbs on alongside Alex and Gibson, hauling Tommy's body over the side, after her.

When they get to the shore the others collapse in exhaustion, but Isabelle fights the drowsiness, busying herself trying to revive Tommy, tears stream down her face and into the lifeless yellow sand, as his limp body remains motionless. Desperately she presses down on his chest, Rain pours through the cold cold air, battering the dead beach and the dreary hills behind it.
Sorry it's so short, this was really the best place to end the chapter
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Fun fact: the average male gets bored of a shopping trip after 26 minutes
That's so true tho ⬆️😂
Sabine xxx

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