Truth or Dare

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I wake up to the sun shining through the windows and voices talking in the other room. I groan and turn over, expecting to see Lauren. When I look, all I see is an empty space.

I decide to get up and put more makeup on my bruise. I search Lauren's makeup for a foundation that matches my skin and I finally find one. As soon as I finish, the door swings open. I turn my head and see Lauren wearing only a towel. Her wet hair is dripping down her back and she's leaving a water trail as she walks.

She quickly closes the door behind her, not wanting to stay out in the open for long. Her cheeks turn bright red as she tightens the towel around her.

"Oh, Y/N, I thought you would still be sleeping."

"I just woke up, sorry."

"Oh, don't worry about it. Hey, can you hand me my shirt?"

Lauren points to her shirt while she stares straight at the ground, not wanting to look me in the eyes. She grabs the shirt and turns around.

"D-do you mind if I change here? I don't want to go all the way through the house in a towel again."

My breath hitches as soon as she says that.

"Um, uh sure. I'll, uh, I'll turn around."

I face the wall as I hear Lauren start to get dressed, when my mind begins to wander.

What if I just turned around for a second? She won't know. Y/N, no, you can't do that you weirdo.

I'm in a battle with my thoughts when I feel cold hands wrap around my waist. Lauren starts tickling me and drags me down to the bed, being careful with my stomach. I laugh uncontrollably as I beg her to stop.

"Lauren, p-ple-ase st-stop!" I say in between laughter.

She looks at me with the biggest smile imaginable and butterflies fill my stomach. Her legs straddle me as she pins my arms down, mercilessly tickling me. She keeps inching closer to me until she finally lets go.

She swings her leg off me and flops down onto the bed while laughing.

"I hate you." I say while catching my breath.

"I had to do it! You were turned around looking all cute, so I just HAD to tickle you."

"What, is that a rule now?"

"I've made it one." Lauren lets out a small chuckle and rests her head on my chest.

I can feel the water from her hair dripping onto my shirt, but I couldn't care less. Lauren Cimorelli is laying on me. How much luckier could I get?

She continues to lay on me while we talk, until Lisa barges in the room.


I open Lauren's door to ask if they want breakfast when I see Lauren laying on Y/N. Her head is on her chest while they both turn to look at me.

Lauren's eyes get wide as she rolls away from Y/N, thinking I didn't see what just happened.

"Um, do you guys want breakfast? Katherine made waffles." I try not to let out a laugh as they both try to play off what I walked in on.

Both of their faces are bright red as they both nod and leave the room.

I chuckle to myself and follow them to the kitchen.

How are they not together yet?


Lauren and I are silent while we walk to the kitchen, embarrassed by what just happened. We sit down next to each other and exchange smiles.

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