The Band

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I wake up to the sound of voices in the kitchen. I groan and roll over, expecting to see Y/N. I move my hand over to her and I'm met with cold sheets. When I look up, all I see is an empty room.

I rub my eyes and sit up, still adjusting to the light. My feet slide into my slippers and I make my way over to the kitchen.

"Wait, cover? What do you mean?" I hear Y/N's voice coming from the table.

All of a sudden, 3 voices start quickly speaking over each other and my mouth drops open. I can't believe what just happened. Y/N can't know about the band, it's too soon.

What if she doesn't like me anymore? What if she only stays my friend for the fame? I don't want to lose her. I can't lose her.

So many thoughts are racing through my mind, until Y/N snaps me out of it.

"Uh, goodmorning Laur." She looks up at me with confusion visible in her eyes.

"Oh, uh morning Y/N, I just need to talk to Christina real quick." I give an intense look at Chris and point my head in the direction of the bathroom.

She nods and we both walk in, while I lock the door.

"Chris are you kidding me? This is the one thing I asked you not to tell her!" I try to keep my voice at a whisper but my anger is spilling out.

"I'm sorry, ok? I didn't mean to, I forgot that she didn't know." Christina looks at me with shame in her eyes and my eyes begin to soften. I immediately feel bad and lower my voice.

"You know what, it's ok, but what the rip am I supposed to do now?" I bury my face in my hands while tears being to form in my eyes.

Christina notices my anger turning into sadness and she puts her hand on my shoulder.

"Hey, Laur, please don't worry. It'll be ok, I promise you. I think we have to tell her."

My face stays in my hands as I take a deep breath, trying to hold back my tears.

"But what if she leaves?" I look up to face Christina and I can't hold back my sadness and fear anymore. A single tear falls down my face, while I wipe my nose with my sleeve.

"Oh, Lauren, please don't cry", she pulls me into a hug and strokes my hair. "If she does leave then she wasn't your friend anyway."

She releases me from her grasp and lifts my head up to face hers. She wipes away a tear falling from my cheek and smiles.

"Let's go tell her together, ok?"

I smile back and nod, while we head out of the bathroom. I wipe away any evidence of my sadness and walk into the room like nothing happened.

I come back to see that Katherine and Amy have joined the group sitting in complete silence. Y/N still looks confused out of her mind. She looks up at me and her confusion turns into happiness.

I blush at the thought of her being happy to see me. Chris and I both walk over and sit next to Y/N. My stomach is doing backflips as I look at Y/N, realizing what I'm about to tell her.

"So, Y/N, what I'm about to tell you may not seem real, but I promise you it is." I take a deep breath and compose myself before I tell her the secret I've been trying to keep hidden.
"My sisters and I are all in a band called Cimorelli and we have over 5 million followers on YouTube." The words spill out of me faster than a cheetah.

I bite my bottom lip as I look at Y/N's face. She went from smiling to dropping her mouth wide open in a matter of seconds. I look at her with fear in my eyes as she tried to speak.

I wait in anticipation and am soon disappointed when all she can muster up is "Are you kidding?"

I look at Christina with regret in my eyes as she takes my hand and stands me up. She looks at the other sisters and they surprisingly all understand what she wants to do.

"Hi, I'm Christina."
"I'm Katherine."
"I'm Lisa."
"I'm Amy."
"I'm Lauren."
"I'm Dani."
"And we're Cimorelli."

Y/N closes the space between her lips and starts smiling.
"Do you do this to every confused friend you have?" She looks at me and laughs.

"Yeah, pretty much." I say and join in with her cute laughter.

We can still see that Y/N is pretty confused, as any person would be, so we show her a couple of our videos. Lisa takes out her phone and clicks on our "Before You Go" cover.

Everyone else is paying attention to the video, but my eyes are focused on Y/N. I watch as her face switched from smiling to amazement as she hears every girl sing. I haven't started singing yet, and my stomach is doing backflips waiting for her reaction.

Soon enough, my voice starts playing through the phone and Y/N's mouth drops open. I smile as wide as I can knowing she didn't do that for any other sister. Y/N looks at me with a gaping mouth and starts smiling. She looks back at the video in complete amazement of what she's watching.

The video finishes and everyone turns to look at Y/N.

"So what do you think, Y/N? I mean I was obviously the best, but did you like the other girls too?" Lisa smiles as she puts her hair in a small bun.


The video finishes and I can't believe what I just heard. Every time one of the girls started singing, I got more and more star struck. I didn't think I could be more impressed until Lauren came on. Her voice sounded so angelic. It filled me with happiness and pride for my friend. Well, special friend. Uh, good friend? Whatever, the point is I am so proud of Lauren.

She looked at me with the cutest smile ever and I couldn't help but return it. Lisa asked me what I think and I looked at all of them while I bit my lip.

"GUYS!! Why didn't you tell me you were amazing singers sooner?"

They all laughed and thanked me, but the one that meant that most to me was Lauren's. I stared at her while she looked at the ground, blushing. She was embarrassed at the video that they just showed me, which made me heart skip a beat.

A couple videos and a couple of hours later, I told Lauren I had to go home.

"Can't you stay a little longer, Y/N?" Lauren pouted as she grabbed my hand. My stomach filled with butterflies as I prayed that my hand didn't get sweaty.

"I'm really sorry Laur, but my step dad will kill me if I'm late."

Lauren frowned and pulled me into a hug.
"When can we hang out again?"

"Uh, I don't know, he's pretty strict so I'll have to wait until he lets me go again."

I can see a small drop in Lauren's face as she realizes that she won't see me again soon. She quickly puts a smile back on and hugs me again. We say our goodbyes and I go towards the door.

"Wait Y/N, were you seriously going to leave without saying bye to me?" Lisa runs over to me while laughing and pulls me into a big hug.

"Oh, sorry. Bye Lise, I'll come back as soon as I can."

Lisa lets me go and I walk back to my car. I open the door and sit down. My head rests on the steering wheel as tears begin to fall. I start the car and start driving, dreading what I have to go home to.

AHHHH! Guys thank you for reading this story!! We almost have 400 reads!! And thank you for making me #2 in cimorellifanfiction! Please leave any suggestions or constructive criticism in the comments below! Sorry for such a late chapter I've had a little motivation problem. More chapters coming soon I have a lot of ideas!

It Was Always YouDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora