The Decision

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"So what are you gonna do, Y/N?" Lauren is playing with my fingers while my arms are wrapped around her in bed.

"I don't know yet. It's a pretty big thing to consider. I might not be able to get up there and testify, but I really want to."

"Whatever you decide, I'll be here for you." She smiles sweetly at me and I tighten my embrace around her.

"I know you will, babe. I love you."

"I love you more." Lauren let's out a big yawn, which makes me smile.

She nestles her head in the crook of my arm and I use the other one to turn off the lamp. I lightly kiss her neck and can see a blush spread across her cheeks.

"Goodnight, Laur." She mumbles a goodnight back to me and we both fall asleep, keeping each other warm.

The night passes by quickly and before I know it, Lauren is on top of me whisper screaming at me to wake up.

Oh, what a life this girl has given me.

"Babe!! Wake UPPPPP!!" I open my eyes and can't help but smile at her actions.

I pretend like I didn't enjoy that and push her off of me and back onto the bed.

"How would you like it if I got up really close to your face every morning and forced you to wake up?!?" I move my face inches from hers and raise my voice, trying to show her what it's like.

She can't contain her laughter and tries to push me away, but I hold onto her, keeping my face as close as I can to hers.

"NOT SO FUN NOW, IS IT?" She finally gets me away from her and is laughing uncontrollably.

"OK, I GET IT. PLEASE NEVER DO THAT AGAIN IT WAS TRAUMATIZING." I laugh and we get up from the bed and start walking to the kitchen.

"So you'll never do that again, right?" I say as she smiles and looks into my eyes.

"Yep. I'll never do it again."

"Yeah, you will."

"Yeah, I will." I roll my eyes and sit down at the table next to Dani.

I notice after about two minutes of sitting at the table that an awkward silence fell as soon as I got there.

"Uh, guys, is everything ok?" Lisa gives me a concerned smile as Dani rubs my back.

"We're just worried for you and know." Christina trails off, not wanting to say what we all were trying to avoid.

"Yeah, I know."

"So, have you made a decision yet?" Katherine asks from the couch.

I really think about all of my options when she says this. I mean, yeah, it'll be scary. Yeah, it'll be hard. But there's no way I'm gonna let Brian get away with being an awful person.

"I'm gonna do it. I'm gonna testify against him." Relieved smiles appear on all the girls faces, letting me know I made the right decision.

Christina pulls out her phone and starts dialing a number.

"I'll call them and let them know. You're basically the only one who can prove what he did to you. I'm really proud of you for doing this, Y/N." I smile and thank her.

"Yeah, we're all really proud of you. We love you so much." Lisa says while the sisters move in to hug me.

"I love you, Y/N." Dani chokes out while being smushed in the group hug.

"Dani, are you....are you crying?"

", definitely not. Maybe a little." A single tear falls from her eye and she wipes it away, embarrassed.

"Awww, Dani cares about me guys." They all laugh as Dani tells me to shut up.

Christina hangs up the phone and puts in back in her pocket.

"So, the court date is for next week. Do you think you'll be ready by then?"

I take a deep breath and look at all the support I have around me.



The next week passes by pretty quickly. The only eventful thing that happened was Lauren's elbow getting completely healed. The days were spent with Lauren pep talking me about how well I'm gonna do in the trial, us cuddling watching The Office with Lisa third wheeling, and Lauren trying to teach me how to kick flip.

"No, babe, you have to move your foot up, not to the side." She demonstrates for me again and makes sure I'm watching closely.

I get back on the board, full of confidence.

"Ok, ok. I got it this time. Watch." I can see her rolling her eyes at me, but I shrug it off because I know she's about to be proved wrong.

I take a deep breath, move to the right position, and jump.

My foot hits the side of the board and I start falling towards the concrete. I close my eyes in preparation and let out a scream, when I feel two arms catch me.

Lauren's arms rest under my armpits as she holds me tightly against her body. She looks at me and raises her eyebrows, wanting me to admit it.

"Mmm. Fine. Maybe I didn't 'got it'." She laughs and holds me tighter, and I breathe in the scent of her perfume.

"You're cute, babe. Definitely not good at skateboarding, but very cute." I retaliate by trying to free myself from her grasp, but she simply holds me tighter.

"Let me go! I will not be demeaned by you!" She turns me so I'm facing her, and kisses me. Her hands finds its way onto my neck, which surprises me.

"Look who's a bottom now." She whispers.

"Hey, lovebirds!" Dani claps and snaps us out of whatever that was.

"You have to start getting ready for the trial." She walks away and Lauren stares at me, smirking.

"Oh, don't look so sure of yourself. That was a one time thing, okay?" She chuckles and we start walking back into the house.

"I wouldn't mind if it happened again, though." I whisper.

"Yeah, I know you wouldn't." Lauren whispers back.

We make our way to the bathroom and Lauren hops in the shower while I change my clothes and put my makeup on.

Lauren gets out of the shower after a while and I instinctively shove my hand onto my eyes.

"It's ok, Y/N, I have a towel on." She chuckles.

"Just wanted to make sure."

After about an hour, we're both dressed and ready to head out the door. Lauren has a dress on, makeup, and her hair done. She looks so beautiful I'm almost excited to get to the courtroom.

"You look beautiful." I say breathlessly.

"Thank you, baby. So do you."

We all pile into the car and I'm crammed between Lisa and Dani in the backseat.

"Remind me why I'm not sitting with my girlfriend again?"

"Because Dani and Lisa wouldn't stop fighting over who got to sit next to you so they both did."

"This is gonna be a long car ride." I sigh and shake my head while Lauren laughs from the front.

Guys thank you so so much for almost 7k reads!!! Sorry for the slow update, this chapter was hard to write haha. Please let me know if you have any requests for this story down in the comments, or you could always dm me!! Have a great day, guys!!

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