It Was Always You- Final Chapter

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I realize that I have no way of getting home since Lisa was my ride. Lauren probably told Lisa what happened already, meaning she won't pick me up.

My attempt to chase after her failed once she started running. She's 10 times faster than me and she knew it, knowing running was her only way to get away from me.

I stop walking and slump down on the curb, everything hitting me all at once.

How am I gonna fix this? She's the love of my life, and I made her think I cheated on her.

I reach into my pocket and look up the number for a taxi. I dial it and tell them my location, hanging up after getting confirmation that one will be sent.

I bury my face in my hands and replay the events of the party. I can't imagine how Lauren must feel, not knowing that I wasn't the one to kiss Maya. If it was me in that situation I would be heartbroken.

The tears begin to fall again just as rain starts dropping from the sky.

One drop hits the top of my head. Then another. Then another. Then another until soon, I'm sitting in the pouring rain getting drenched.

I suddently remember hearing that a storm was coming late tonight from the weatherman.

"Fuck." I think to myself.

The taxi won't be here for another 5 minutes and I know that means no part of me will be dry.

I sit miserably on the curb until I see the bright yellow car pull up beside me, honking its horn for me to get inside.

"Where you headed?" The gruff voice of the driver asks from the front seat, which is sectioned off with a plastic barrier.

I give him the address of the house and pray that Lauren is still there.

I hear the tires start to turn and the car plunges forward. Jazz music plays from the stereo, the saxophone calming my nerves.

"Good thing I picked you up when I did, the storm ain't gettin any better." The man says through a couple coughs.

"Yeah...good thing." The only thought running through my head is that Lauren is probably out there.

Knowing her, she usually takes a walk to clear her head, no matter the weather.

The car finally makes a slow stop in front of the house and the driver points to the number on the screen, indicating I have to pay him $24.50.

A little expensive, but I really don't care at this point.

I quickly take a couple bills out of my pocket, hoping they equal up to the total. I open the car door and hop out, practically sprinting to the house.

"Hey, you gave me 43$!" I hear him say in the distance. I really don't care.

I slam the house door, being greeted with 5 insanely angry faces.

"Guys, listen, it's not what you think."

"How could you, Y/N?" Dani gets up, marching towards me.

"MAYA KISSED ME I DIDNT KISS HER BACK!" I blurt out before she gets any closer.

"How do you expect us to believe that?" Lisa chimes in.

"Because I would never do that to Lauren. I love her more than anything in the world and I would never ever wanna be with someone else.  You have to believe me, please. I just need to know where Lauren is so I can fix this." A single tear escapes my eye as the sisters look me up and down.

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